

A group of similar cells that make hormones are called?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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endocrine tissue

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Q: A group of similar cells that make hormones are called?
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A group of cells or tissuse that makes and releases hormones is called?

A group of cells or testeies that makes an releases hormones is called an endocrine gland .Thyriod and gonads are well known examples . Hormones are transported by blood .

A group of cells thet preform a similar fuction is called?

A group of cells grouped together to perform a similar function is a tissue. FOr example, all of your mucels perform a similar function. The muscles are actually tissues consisting of a group of similar cells.

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What is a group of similar cells called?

blood vessels

What is this called This structures is a group of cells that make hormones?

chemical signals of the endocrine system, the group of glands that, along with the nervous system, controls the body's responses to internal and external stimuli. Hormones are carried to their target cells in the bloodstream.

What is a group that has the same job called?

In the body -- A group of similar cells forms tissue; similar tissue forms organs. A group of cells and tissues with the same job is called an organ.Regarding people - A group of people who have the same job is called a team.

A group of similar cells that perform a particular function?

A group of similar cells that perform a certain task is called as a tissue.

What is a group of similar cells carrying out a job called?

A tissue

What is a A group of similar cells that carries out an certain job is called an?

to get a life

What do a group of similar cells such as muscle cells work in?

This is called tissue, which makes organs.

What is a group of similar cells that performs a specific function?

A tissue (not the kind you sneeze into) is a similar group of cells that perform the same function. a tissue. and a group of tissues working together is called an organ. and a group of organs working together is called an organ system.