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Q: What is a group of similar cells called?
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A group of cells thet preform a similar fuction is called?

A group of cells grouped together to perform a similar function is a tissue. FOr example, all of your mucels perform a similar function. The muscles are actually tissues consisting of a group of similar cells.

A group of similar cells preforming similar functions is called what?


What is a group that has the same job called?

In the body -- A group of similar cells forms tissue; similar tissue forms organs. A group of cells and tissues with the same job is called an organ.Regarding people - A group of people who have the same job is called a team.

A group of similar cells that perform a particular function?

A group of similar cells that perform a certain task is called as a tissue.

What is a group of similar cells carrying out a job called?

A tissue

A group of similar cells that make hormones are called?

endocrine tissue

What is a A group of similar cells that carries out an certain job is called an?

to get a life

What do a group of similar cells such as muscle cells work in?

This is called tissue, which makes organs.

What is a group of similar cells that performs a specific function?

A tissue (not the kind you sneeze into) is a similar group of cells that perform the same function. a tissue. and a group of tissues working together is called an organ. and a group of organs working together is called an organ system.

Is a Group of similar cells that perform a specific function?

A tissue (not the kind you sneeze into) is a similar group of cells that perform the same function. a tissue. and a group of tissues working together is called an organ. and a group of organs working together is called an organ system.

A group of cells that perform a specific function are called?

A group of similar cells working together form a tissue.

A group of cells that performs a particular function is called a?

Tissues are groups of similar cells performing a single function. A group of tissues working together to perform a complex function is called an organ.