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Electrical, Kinetic and Heat (however many people still argue that electrical energy is not true energy, but a product of other forms of energy, so as an alternative I'll say sound (or pressure) energy).

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Q: A hair dryer changes electrical energy into which types of energy?
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What types of energy are used in a blow dryer?

A blow dryer typically uses electrical energy to power its heating element and motor. The heating element converts electrical energy into heat energy to dry the hair, while the motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy to produce airflow.

What three types of energy comes out of a hair dryer?

The three types of energy that come out of a hair dryer are electrical energy (from the power source), thermal energy (produced by the heating element to warm the air), and kinetic energy (from the moving air that helps dry the hair).

What types of energy does a tv use?

It uses electrical energy,mechanical energy.

Which of the 10 forms of energy does electrical energy use?

I wouldn't say that electrical energy "uses" other types of energy; probably you mean that you can convert other types of energy to electrical energy. Most types of energy can be converted to electrical energy, or actually all of them (as long as there is some useful energy left) - including heat energy, nuclear energy, chemical energy, mechanical energy, etc.

What types of energy are in electricity?

This energy is usually called "electrical energy".

How is electrical energy similar to mechanical energy and sound energy?

Electrical energy, mechanical energy, and sound energy are all forms of energy that involve the movement of particles. They can all be converted or transformed into different types of energy, and they follow the principle of conservation of energy. Additionally, they can be harnessed and used to perform work or cause changes in their surroundings.

What changes electric energy into other forms of energy?

Electric energy can be changed into other forms of energy by devices such as electric motors, which convert electrical energy into mechanical energy; light bulbs, which convert electrical energy into light and heat energy; and electric heaters, which convert electrical energy into thermal energy.

What types of energy goes into a mobile phone?

Electrical energy.

What types of energy starts with the letter e?

Electrical energy

How many types of energy does a toaster have?

A toaster typically has two main types of energy: electrical energy, which powers the toaster, and thermal energy, which is produced to heat up and toast the bread.

When the flashlight is turned on what energy changes?

When a flashlight is turned on, electrical energy from the battery is converted into light energy and heat energy by the bulb. The chemical energy stored in the battery is transformed into electrical energy, and then into light and heat energy by the bulb to produce the illumination.

What are the 5 types of artificial energy?

The five types of artificial energy are mechanical energy, thermal energy, chemical energy, electrical energy, and nuclear energy.