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A homozygous condition would be the possession of alleles for red hair and red hair. A heterozygous condition would be characterized by the possession of alleles for brown hair and red hair.

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Q: A homozygous condition would be the possession of alleles for?
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Terms that describe two alleles of the same gene?

It sounds like you are referring to homozygous vs heterozygous. If an organism has two identical alleles of the same gene, it is said to be homozygous. If an organism has two different alleles of the same gene, it is said to be heterozygous.If a homozygous organism has two identical dominantalleles, it is said to be homozygous dominant, while an organism with two identical recessive alleles is said to be homozygous recessive.If this was not what you're asking, please clarify your question on the discussion page so someone can improve this answer.

What is it called when an organism that has two alleles that are the same?

the organism that have two identical alleles would be called homozygous for that particular gene.

Are organisms with alleles BB recessive or dominant?

An organism with the alleles BB would be homozygous dominant.

What is the difference between a homozygous individual and a heterozygous individual?

In genetics, homozygous genes are identical alleles, while heterozygous genes have different alleles. For example, TT(same alleles) is homozygous genotype, while Tt (different alleles) is a heterozygous genotype.

Is Ee a heterzygous or homozygous?

It would be heterozygous because the two alleles are different (one dominant and one recessive). EE would be homozygous dominant and ee would be homozygous recessive.

What type of alleles are present in an organism?

Capital letters usually denote dominant alleles. Therefore QQ genotype would contain two dominant alleles for the Q genotype.

What are the letters for heterozygous?

Actually, there aren't specific letters. The letters depend on the alleles. For example, if the alleles are A and a, then Aa would be heterozygous, since hetero means different. Homozygous, however, would be two of the same alleles, since homo means same. The homozygous would be AA or AA in this example. hope this helped!

What term is used when both alleles are different?

The condition called in a case when you have a two different types of alleles is called as Heterozygous and when this is exactly the opposite that is when it has the alleles for the same source we describe such a condition as a Homozygous. This two terms are of most importance when you take the genetics

Identical alleles AAA or AAA?

Since they are capital letters they stand for a dominant allele. Both the letters stand for a different trait. This is saying these two different organisms were dominant in those specific traits.

How are homozygous and heterozygous allele combinations for a particular trait in plants different?

A homozygous trait is expressed when 2 of the same alleles make up the genotype. For example, if two alleles (A and a) were present, the homozygous trait would be either AA or aa. In general, a fully recessive trait is only expressed when it's homozygous.

What are both inherited alleles called?

Genetic makeup formed from both inherited alleles together is called a genotype. Homozygous alleles would be a pair of identical alleles for a single trait. Heterozygous is different alleles for a single trait.

What is two dominant alleles called?

In eyes, it would be brown is dominant, and blue is recessive. Free earlobe allele is said to be dominant over the attached earlobe allele. When an organism has two dominant alleles for a trait, it is called homozygous dominant. Two recessive alleles for a trait is homozygous recessive.