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Husband is 52, Wife is 39.

Set up equations involving husband's age (H), wife's age (W), and number of years ago (Y).

H+W=91; H=2(W-Y); H-Y=W

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Q: A husband and wife have a combined age of 91. The husband is now twice as old as his wife when he was was as old as she is now. How old are they?
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ok, "Aggregate Age" means total age. In other words, it is the sum. of the ages of two or more people. for example, If we have a wife and a husband. The age of the husband is 39. The age of the wife is 35. Then their aggregate age is 39+35=74 years even if their marraige age is 2 or three years.

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Can a 45 year old Muslim woman marry a 34 year old Muslim man?

short answer. yes! it is common knowledge that the prophets when he first married was much younger than his wife.the prophet Muhammad SAW married Khadija his first wife when he was in his 20s and she was almost twice his age. so this shows that age gap between a man and a woman does not matter in marriage. the husband can be older than his wife or the wife can be older than the husband. Muslims must behave in the manner Muhammad did and he married some one older than him. so you don't have to worry about the age gap at all.

Who was aberaham Lincoln's wife?

Mary Todd Lincoln was Abraham Lincoln's wife between the years 1842 and 1865. She died at the age of 63, and was buried next to her husband.

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No. James Cook's wife, Elizabeth, died of old age. She was 93 when she died, having outlived her husband by 56 years.

If all you want is to move on and start fresh why can the husband not respect your decision?

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Can a wife draw out her deceased husbands retirement with out being penalized?

what age can a wife draw her husband retirement that he have on his job he is decease now

Brian was 18 years old and Elijah was twice his age what were the ages combined?

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