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Q: A lightning bolt with 8kA strikes an object for 15us how much charge is deposited on the object?
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Is lightning good or bad?

Lightning itself is neither good nor bad; it is a natural atmospheric discharge of electricity. However, it can be dangerous if it strikes a person or a flammable object, causing injury or starting fires. It is important to take precautions during thunderstorms to avoid potential harm from lightning strikes.

Why lighting strike same spot twice?

Lightning can strike the same spot more than once, particularly if it is a tall object or an area with better conductivity where the electrical charge can follow the same path. These areas become more susceptible to repeated strikes due to the higher likelihood of providing a path of least resistance for the lightning.

Why lightning shows an affinity to metals. After lightning strikes a place it is found to sort of seek metal objects.Some times it makes holes on mud walls to connect to a metal object inside.Why?

Lightning is attracted to metals because they are good conductors of electricity. When lightning strikes a place, it may seek out metal objects due to their ability to carry the electrical current safely to the ground. This can cause lightning to create holes in materials like mud walls in its path towards a metal object, as it follows the path of least resistance to discharge its energy.

What kind of charge can move from object to object?

Electrons can move from object to object. Electrons have a negative charge. So if an object is determined to have a positive charge, then some of the electrons have moved from the object to somewhere else. Something with a neutral charge has the same number of electrons [-] and protons [+]. If electrons [-] leave, then there will be more protons, and a net positive charge. If an object gains electrons, then the object has a net negative charge.

Do trees attract lightning?

Actually, all trees attract lightning. They are tall and usually filled with moisture, thus providing a good electrical conducting path for lightning. Every day, thousands of trees are hit by lightning throughout the world. Past studies of the kinds of trees struck are complicated. It depends on tree height, the variety of trees present, and soil conditions. Overall, the oak tree appears to be most vulnerable: "Beware the oak; it draws the stroke." Oaks tend to be taller than the surrounding trees, thus attracting the lightning. They also have a high moisture content, which increases their ability to conduct the surge of electricity. When a tree is hit be lightning, most of the electrical charge moves through the outer, growing portion of the tree. This intense current can instantly vaporize sap into steam. As a result, the tree may violently split or even explode. About half of all trees struck by lightning survive for the moment. However, they are often weakened and made susceptible to future disease. A target tree is better off if struck after it has been thoroughly soaked by rain. Much of the electrical charge is then able to move safely down the outside surface moisture instead of through the internal tree. Source:

Related questions

What is the environmental impact of the lightning rod?

A lightning rod is designed to protrude above the highest point of a building. A lightning strike will (hopefully) strike the rod, rather than damage the building itself. The charge will travel safely to earth along a metal cable fixed between the rod and the ground.

What happens when light strikes a transparent body like glass?

When light strikes a transparent body like glass, it can either be transmitted (pass through the glass), reflected (bounce off the surface of the glass), or refracted (bent as it passes through the glass). The amount of light that is transmitted, reflected, and refracted depends on the angle of incidence and the properties of the glass.

Is it true that lightning strike only twice?

Nope - lightning can strike the same place multiple times if the object presents enough ionic attraction to ground the charge.

What happen to an object wirh a positive charge and an object with anegitive charge?

Two objects like this will tend to attract each other. If the difference in charges is large enough then a discharge (similar lightning) might occur.

How does a lightning rod work?

In addition to providing a conducting path to ground in case a lightning strike occurs, lightning rods also reduce the number of large lightning strikes by reducing the static charge build-up in the atmosphere around the building. The pointed end of the rod creates an attraction point for the excess charge and siphons it to ground, reducing the charge difference between the cloud and the building.If you get a chance to deal with a small Tesla coil or small static generator, set up a situation in which sparking is occurring between a broad object (like a sphere) and the coil/generator . Then introduce a grounded thin rod (or some other grounded pointy object). the sparking will stop and there may be some micro-lightning (and soft crackling sound) around the point.Basically, the pointy grounded rod creates smaller, lower energy lightning to prevent the huge damaging strikes.

If lightning strikes a river how long does it travel?

The electrical current from a lightning strike can travel several hundred feet along the surface of a river before dissipating or finding a path to the ground. However, the exact distance can vary depending on the conductivity of the water and surrounding terrain.

Where would you go in a severe thunderstorm if you could not go inside?

you would want to stay away from trees and anything tall. lightning strikes the tallest object in a field

When the object is charged by contact what kind of charge does the object have compared with that on the object giving the charged?

When an object is charged by contact, it acquires the same type of charge as the object it came in contact with. So if the charging object has a positive charge, the charged object will also be positively charged, and the same holds true for a negative charge.

What occurs when light strikes a transparent surface?

When light strikes a transparent surface, it can be transmitted through the material, absorbed by the material, or reflected off the surface. The amount of light that is transmitted, absorbed, or reflected depends on the properties of the material and the angle at which the light strikes the surface.

What devices protect planes from lightning strikes?

All commercial planes are equipped with a faraday cage. If lightning were to strike it, the lightning bolt would be routed around the plane and down, without making contact with the inside of the plane. It's like a water drop rolling down a solid object, then falling off it at the bottom.

When light strikes a black object what enery is it changed to?

When light strikes a black object, the energy is primarily absorbed and converted into heat energy. Black objects appear black because they absorb most of the light that hits them, which increases their temperature due to the absorbed energy being converted into heat.

What is a pointed metal object that attracts lightning?

A lightning rod.