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False because a living thing that shows a dominant trait can not be homozygous recessive. If it is homozygous recessive it will show recessive trait.

A living thing that shows dominant trait may be homozygous dominant or hetrozygous.

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Q: A living thing that shows a dominant trait may be homozygous dominant or homozygous recessive for the trait true or false?
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Is a pair of corresponding chromosomes is homozygous true or false?

The corresponding pair of chromosomes may homozygous as well as heterozygous, depending on the presence of dominant and recessive genes.

Will an organism with a recessive allele for a particular form of a trait will always exhibit that form?

Only when both genes in the pair are homozygous recessive, the expression will be masked, otherwise, if only one gene of the allelic pair is recessive and the other one is dominant, the expression of dominant gene will be apparent.

What genotype will all the offspring have?

That depends. Are the parents both homozygous dominant for the dominant genes for a particular trait or are they heterozygous and homozygous(dominant or recessive). See you have to be more picky about the questions you ask. A badly asked question gets a very sophisticated and complicated response to counteract the false accusations of ones troubled question asking skills. That good enough for ya.

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In heterozygous individuals, only the dominant allele is expressed. The recessive allele is present, but not expressed

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if its 2 recessive allels together.

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Dominant alleles carry traits or characteristics that will show no matter what. Recessive alleles carry traits where you must be homozygous for the recessive trait in order for it to show. Dominant alleles are represented by capital letters (EX: R or M) Recessive alleles are represented by lower case letters (EX: r or m) In order for a dominant allele to show, you can have either RR or Rr, since it is dominant. However, in order for a recessive allele to show, you MUST have rr. Hope this helps!

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Is the following sentence true or false all genes show simple patterns of dominant and recessive alleles?

False. Blood type genes have two dominant alleles (A and B), and one recessive (O). When a person gets one A allele and one B allele, they then have the blood type AB. Both are expressed equally. In other genes, a dominant allele might not be completely dominant, allowing the recessive allele to be partially expressed.

Is it true or false homozygous organisms are true-breeding for a particular trait?

True for the most part, if you breed two homozygous animals then it's a 50/50 chance of the offspring breeding true to one parent. If you breed a Homozygous animal and a heterozygous animal then the homozygous animal will breed true at least 90% of the time.

Is phenotype determine genotype false?

Yes, this is false. It's genotype that determines phenotype. e.g. If you have the dominant gene for brown eyes and the recessive gene for blue eyes (genotype) you will have brown eyes (phenotype)

Is the following statement true or false only pea plants that have two recessive alleles for short stems will be short?

False because a receive alleles mean it is not dominant and are not the trait that shows up and makes that phenotype.