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Q: True or false dominant traits are represented by a lower case letter and recessive traits are represented by an upper case letter?
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Dominant traits are represented by a lower case letter and recessive traits are represented by an upper case letter?

No. Dominant traits are uppercase and recessive traits are lowercase.

How is a dominant trait represented in a punnett square?

Dominant alleles are written in upper case (i.e, 'A'), while recessive alleles are lower case (i.e, 'a')

What are dominant traits represented?


How do scientists represent a dominant allele?

with the traits first letter as a capital { ex: tall will be represented as T} the recessive allele will be the same letter as a lowercase letter { tall, dominant, is T, short ,recessive, so it would be t

What is the difference dominant and recessive trait?

Dominant traits are the traits that mask the recessive traits. The dominant traits are stronger than recessive!

Do dominate traits have capital letters?

No, dominate traits do not have capital letters. The term "dominant traits" refers to the phenotype that is expressed when an individual has one dominant allele for a particular trait. It is not capitalized unless at the start of a sentence.

How are traits dominant?

Dominant traits are represented as capital letters (D, R, H, J, etc) and recessive traits are represented as lower case letters (d, r, h, j, etc)

What type of letter do you use to represent a dominant trait?

Capital letter such as R for dominant and r for recessive trait

What do organisms pass to their offspring?

They pass on traits. There are recessive traits and dominant traits. The dominant trait is normally the one that overpowers recessive

What is a recessive genes?

Recessive is a relative term used to describe the relationship to another allele termed the dominant allele. That traits of the recessive allele will only be shown if the person has two copies of the recessive allele. If a dominant allele is present, then the recessive trait will not be shown.

What genes are recessive traits?

These traits are called dominant traits. They will overcome the recessive gene and the dominant trait will be expressed. A recessive gene needs two alleles present in its genotype to be expressed.

What is the difference between homzyguos and heterozyous?

Homozygous recessive: is when the genes are both recessive Homozygous dominant: is when the genes are both dominant (traits show) Heterozygous dominant: is when one gene is dominant and one is recessive (traits show) Heterozygous recessive: is the same as heterozygous dominant but the dominant genes are inactive