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Q: A long dry spell with no rain?
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What means dry as in weather?

Dry weather means no rain. A dry day means no rain today. A dry spell means no rain for a while. A dry region means a place that seldom has rain.

What is sure to happen after a long dry spell?

Well, it could rain and thunderstorms. But many areas have dry spells for long periods. During that time, wind and erosion may occur before rain ever comes.

What happens at the end of a dry spell?

When a dry spell ends, rain usually comes. A dry spell in other situations is usually followed by prosperity and better days.

What do you call a period without rain?

Usually 'a dry spell' if it occurs in an area where rain is common. If it is prolonged, meaning a long period of time, then it becomes 'a drought'.

When does rain tend to make roadways the slickest?

When it's the first rain after a dry spell.

What is dry spell and wet spell related to rain?

If it doesn't rain for several days (or even weeks), it's called a dry spell.If it rains for a period of several days, it is a wet spell.A "spell" here is simply an unspecified period of time, not a witch's "spell".

What is a long dry spell?

A drought.

What is a wet spell?

It is the opposite of a "dry spell".The colloquial term wet spell simply means a short period of rainy days. The term dry spell means a period of little rain, less severe than an actual drought.

Why does the grass get green after a rain?

Because moisture encourages growth of new leaves after a dry spell.

When do droughts happen?

droughts happen when there is a spell of very dry weather when there is very little rain

A long dry period caused by the absence of rain?

A long dry period caused by the absence of rain is called a drought. Droughts are very bad for supporting life for plants and animals.

What word means the same as a long dry spell?
