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there's not really a way of telling, what matters is that you find a guy who loves you for your personality and loves you for who you are, everything about your apearance he should like, but if you dont mind posting a picture of just your face on social networkin sites, and asking the lads what they think of you, or waiting for their comments

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Bevin Scott

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1y ago
Attraction is basic science
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Bevin Scott

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1y ago
We are attracted to certain pheromones and everyone is different in the biological reproduction makeup of what they are attracted to in a mate. They do say most people find that the people that are "hot" have very symmetrical features.
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1mo ago

Feeling attractive can vary from person to person. Remember that beauty is subjective and can come in many forms. Focus on feeling confident in yourself and appreciating your own unique qualities. Trust in the opinions of those who uplift and support you.

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Q: A lot of guys say I'm hot but others say I'm ugly but I have a nice body. How can you tell if you're hot?
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Why do guys sleep in their boxers?

Some men find it more comfortable to sleep in boxers as it provides ventilation and allows for freedom of movement. Additionally, it's a lightweight option that can help regulate body temperature during sleep.

Why do girls like guys who are jerks but ignore guys who are nice?

The belief that girls prefer jerks over nice guys is a stereotype that is not universally applicable. Some individuals may be attracted to confidence and assertiveness demonstrated by some "jerks," but this does not represent all girls' preferences. Ultimately, people are attracted to individuals who make them feel valued, respected, and appreciated, regardless of their demeanour.

Is it important to treat others with kindness?

Yes it is important to treat others with kindness. There is a reason behind it, even if girls are gossiping, being mean, catty etc. if you are nice they WILL remember it. It will teach people that you are a really nice person and they will start to soften up to you.

Is pissing on people nice?

Only if they invite you to do so. No as a fact its not very nice. Its disrespectful to the person your doing it to. How would you feel if they did that to you?? You know if theres something you dont like you dont piss on them you just walk away.

Is Jonathan frisby nice?

Yes, Jonathan Frisby is portrayed as a kind and caring character in the book "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH". He is shown to be a loving husband and father who is respected by others for his wisdom and leadership.

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Why are women surprised when a nice guy has a nice body?

Because, usually, guys with nice bodies are self absorbed and arrogant, and they usually don't care about anything else...except their body. So when a woman finds a nice guy with a nice body, they're surprised, you don't find many nice guys with kickin bodies. BUT woman also shouldn't just look for guys with nice bodies, as long as he's nice, and treats you right, and loves you unconditionally no matter what, then I say he's the perfect guy. :]

Do boys like quiet and nice girls?

Some guys like quite, nice girls but others don't. It all depends on the guy

Is it a turn off for guys if a girl is not athletic?

No! As long you're fit and you have a nice body :)

What do guys look for in a girl at age sixteen?

a nice body and by that time some one to have sex with but not every body is like that

Can being too nice push her away?

can being too nice push her away? dude, youre serious? treat her like crap and find out then. youll probably get slapped and dumped. girls like guys to treat her nice. it makes us feel good and loved. now, if youre girl is into bad boys and youre not....think about it: would she have gone out with me if i wasnt her type? if you've turned from nice to scary nice since you've been together...yea that just may freak her out. this advice is if your dating the girl. if youre still in the process of wining her over: shed probably think your a good guy and wouldn't say no to a date. if youre girl is into bad boys and your not one... here are youre choices. its up to you. but if your being extra nice then you usually are to this girl... and she falls for the really-nice you and not the just average-nice you...shed probably dump you so be yourself. btw, no being too nice wont push her away as long as its the real you...otherwise it just doesnt work. this coming from a GIRL !! a) shes not your type nor you hers. move on !! b) become a bad boy over night and loose your dignity c) keep doing what youre doing and try to win her over by being youre nice self best of luck, Michelle

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Because its very fun and men asses taste nice

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We like girls for there nice curves. Nice tanned butt. Nice boos and a pretty face. Oh also personally.

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Yes, unless u cant stand who they are or their face!!

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at nice guys malls Church

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Depends, some guys/boys will show you alot of respect and they will be nice to you but others will take a micky and show off around youu. Hahaa ;)

Why do gay guys lick each others butt holes?

Because its very fun and men asses taste nice