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gave preference to the immigrants from northern and western Europe

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Q: A major feature of the immigration legislation of the 1920's?
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What were four major cultural or social developments in the 1920s?

sports, immigration, highway systems, increase in money supply, and sexual liberation

List at least five major economic developments of the 1920s?

Several major economic developments were made in the 1920's. Five of them were sports, immigration, highway systems, increase in money supply, and sexual liberation.

What were the major demographic shifts of the 1920s?

In the 1920s, there was a significant increase in urbanization as people moved from rural areas to cities. There was also a surge in immigration, especially from Southern and Eastern Europe. Additionally, the 1920s saw a trend of more women entering the workforce and a rise in the African American population in urban areas due to the Great Migration.

Major events in the 1920s?

Harlem Renasinats

What reforms bills has Obama gotten passed?

Obamacare is really the only major piece of legislation that Obama has gotten passed. By executive order he has loosened immigration restrictions and removed sexual conduct restrictions from the military.

When did the major immigration through Ellis island occur?

The peak year of immigration was 1934.

What were the main political ideas of the 1920s?

The major political idea tested during the 1920s was that of National Prohibition.

What major industry boomed in the 1920s?

the industry of alcohol

When were the major periods of immigration for Mexican?


When did Australia experience two major immigration booms?

The first major immigration boom in Australia occurred with the early goldrushes in the 1850s. The second major immigration boom occurred immediately after World War II.

Chinese Exclusion Act?

1882, Federal legislation that prohibited most further Chinese immigration to the United States. This was the first major legal restriction on immigration in U.S. history.

A major feature in many insulating materials is?

A major feature in many insulating materials is TRAPPED AIR.