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Q: A mass movernment that involves the sudden movement of a block of material along a flat inclined surface is called a?
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What mass movement involves the sudden movement of a block of material along a flat inclined surface is called a?


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Osmosis always involves the movement of water. During osmosis water will move in and out of the cell or membrane.

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on no sefwef

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Types of passive transport involves the movement of water and solute molecules due to hydrostatic pressure?

Diffusion involves the movement of material from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.Osmosis is a type of diffusion that specifically involves the movement of water.Facilitated diffusion is also a type of diffusion that uses special transport proteins to transfer larger molecules, such as glucose, across cell membranes.Filtration involves the movement of water and solute molecules across the cell membrane due to hydrostatic pressure. This pressure is generated by the cardiovascular system as blood is pumped through the body's blood therefore Filtration is the answer.

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A movement sequence is defined as a movement with a single goal that involves a series of overlapping joint rotations.

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Because it involves physical movement

What type of energy involves movement?

kineti energy