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Q: What mass movement involves the sudden movement of a block of material along a flat inclined surface is called a?
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What is the inclined plane made out of?

The Inclined Plane is made out of any material that is positioned at an angle to a surface.

When a block of material moves downslope along a curved surface the type of a mass movement is?

When a block of material moves downslope along a curved surface, the type of mass movement is _____.

When a block of material moves downslope along a curved surface the type of mass movement is .?

When a block of material moves downslope along a curved surface, the type of mass movement is _____.

Downward movement of a block of material along a curved surface?

a slump

Is any flat surface an inclined plane?

No. A flat surface which is horizontal is not an inclined plane.

What is the movement of surface material from one place to another?

I think it is called Erosion

What best describes mass movements?

Mass movement is the movement in which Earth's surface changes.

What is a inclined plane and example?

An example of an inclined plane is a ramp, slanted road, or a slide. An inclined plane is a surface that is at an angle against a horizontal surface.

When a block of material moves downslope along a curved surface the type of mass movement?


When a block material moves downslope along a curved surface the type of mass movement is?


When a block of material moves downslope along a curved surface the type of mass movement is?


Where can i fine Inclined planes around the house?

Examples of household inclined planes: The slope of a sink or basin that allows the water to drain. Anything with a sloping surface cut into it, such as the thread on a screw, bolt or nut. A doorlatch, having a sloping surface that slides along a srikeplate when a door is closed and latched. A doorstop, usually a triangular piiece of wood or rubber-like material used to hold a door open. The sloping blades of a fan to force the movement of air.