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Q: A maximal sustained muscle contraction is called a?
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What voltage produced maximal contraction of the muscle?

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What is a sustained muscle contraction?

Occurs when acetylcholine (ACh) accumulates in the neuromuscular junction. It is called a tetanic contraction.

What is a sustained muscle contraction called?

unfused (incomplete) tetanus

Some muscle fibers always contracted?

Summation and/or tetanic contraction. Summation is increased muscle contraction until maximal sustained contraction is achieved. Tetanic contraction is sustained muscle contraction without relaxation. If you're inquiring for the Learning Objective Review in an anatomy and physiology course, the question refers to a condition in which some fibers are always contracted... so I'm not sure if they're looking for summation or tetanic contraction - but I think it would be tetanic contraction as summation is more the process leading up to the tetanic contraction...

A sustained muscle contraction due to a lack of relaxation between successive stimuli is called?


An example of partial but sustained contraction is?

A Muscle Tone .

An example of a partial but sustained contraction would be?

muscle tone

An example of a partial but sustained contraction would be what?

muscle tone

What is muscle tetanus?

is produced by Clostridium tetani bacteria. Tetanus involves generalized rigidity and painful convulsive spasms of skeletal muscles, occurring 3 to 21 days after infection. The muscle stiffness usually involves the jaw (lockjaw) and neck muscles, and then becomes generalized.

Constant contraction of a muscle is?

constant contraction of a muscle is called the muscle tone

What employs a parallel after discharge circuit to produce sustained muscle contraction?

a oscillating circuit

How does skeletal muscle stimulation produce a sustained contraction?

By stimulating alternating motor units at a time.