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Q: A metalic taste in the mouth is a symptom of what chemical poisoning?
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What does it mean when you throw up white foam from drinking too much alcohol?

Foaming at the mouth is a symptom of alcohol poisoning. If this occurs, go to the hospital immediately.

Sweet taste in mouth is it diabetes?

its not a symptom of diabetes

What can mouth ulcers be a symptom of?

Mouth ulcers can be a symptom of poor oral hygiene and a reflection of your food choices. It would be best to consult your doctor because there are other reasons as to why you get them.

Is dry mouth a symptom of the flu?

it can be. It depends. What other symptoms do you have.

Does cynanide poisoning cause a metalic taste in mouth?

I cannot find any verification but I had the ventilation in my car on full blast for 1 hour while driving and developed a bad headache and mild fever all night, next day had a strong metallic taste in mouth. Hope a scientist will answer this.

Is watery mouth a symptom of diabeties?

No but you may ask your doctor, he will have a better answer

Is foaming at the mouth a symptom of sleep apnea?

No. If you are foaming, see your doctor.

Why is my dog's mouth filled with bubbles?

Foaming at the mouth is a classic symptom of rabies. It can be caused, however, by a dog heaving or vomiting.

Which birth defect goes with the symptom Gap in roof of the mouth?

cleft palate

Can an ammonia-like taste in the mouth be a symptom of Chronic kidney failure?


Can an ammonia-like taste in the mouth be a symptom of Chronic renal failure?


What organs secrete enzymes which begin chemical digestion in the mouth?

The salivary glands in the mouth secrete enzymes in saliva that begin chemical digestion.