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It could be a number of things like a volcano erupted and shot the magma or it could have bounced off mars

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Q: A meteorite found in Antarctica is thought to come from mars how could a rock from Mars get to earth?
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Could a meteorite that hit earth consist of gold?

Most of the gold in the middle east around 1000 a.d. Came from a meteorite.

What side is Antarctica on?

You could say that Antarctica is on the southern side -- of earth, that is.

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How do use meteorite in a sentence?

A meteorite crashed into the earth

What the name of a meteor when it has fallen to the earth?

It is called a meteorite if it lands on the Earth's surface.

Is the meteorite hit the Earth?

Yes. A meteorite is a piece of rock or metal from space that has hit Earth's surface.

What could be lost in antarctica?

Anything and everything could be lost in Antarctica, as it is possible to lose anything and everything anywhere on earth.

Does a meteorite burn the Earth's atmosphere?

No. The atmosphere burns up the meteorite.

Where is the meteorite?

On Earth's surface.

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What is a meteor's name after it hits earth?

The streak of light produced as matter enters to the Earth's atmosphere and burns up is called a meteor . When it strikes the Earth's surface, it is called a meteorite.

Why do you want to be hit by a meteorite?

Many meteorite are filled with rare earth metals, or other valuables like platinum or iridium. If you got hit by one, you could be rich if you survived.