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Q: A method of referring questions of law directly to the people?
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What is a method of referring questions of law directly to the people called?

It is called a Referendum. You're welcome :)

What term defines questions about what people should do with knowledge in biology that cannot be used in scientific method?

The term bioethical describes questions about what people should do with knowledge in biology that cannot be answered using the scientific method. The scientific method is a method of procedure that consists of observation, measurement, and experiment.

What term defines questions about what people should do with knowledge biology that cannot be anwsered using the scientific method?

bioethical questions

When a person can not answer your questions directly probably d answer is too painful for you to know or too hard for them to admit?

The reason people don't answer your questions directly is either that, or they just don't know the question

What define the questions about what people should do with knowledge in biology that cannot be answered using the scientific method?

The subject of bioethics deals with questions about what people ought to do with their knowledge of Biology.

What term defines questions about what people should do with knowledge in in biology cannot be answered the scientific method?

The subject of bioethics deals with questions about what people ought to do with their knowledge of Biology.

Will people be notified if related links are added to questions on their watchlist?

No, only if the answer is directly changed.

Why terms defines questions about what people should do with knowledge in biology that cannot be answered using the scientific method?

The subject of bioethics deals with questions about what people ought to do with their knowledge of Biology.

What philosopher had a method of teaching open ended questions?

Socrates is known for his method of teaching through open-ended questions, known as the Socratic method. He would engage people in dialogue to encourage critical thinking and self-discovery by posing questions that led them to challenge their own beliefs and assumptions.

How did Socrates teach and what is this method called?

He taught his students how to think for themselves by arguing through problems they posed.This is a Dialectical method, which can be called the method of maieutics.

Why do people often ask complicated questions on WikiAnswers?

People often ask complicated questions because it is directly from their homework. The reason for half of the complicated questions on WikiAnswers is because students take it directly from their homework, and their homework often asks complicated questions. Either that or someone really has a complicated question they thought of that requires a very complicated answer.

What is difference between questionnaire and interview method?

A questionnaire is a structured set of questions that is filled out by respondents on their own, while an interview is a more interactive method where a researcher asks questions directly to participants. Questionnaires are usually more standardized and can be completed at the respondent's convenience, while interviews allow for more in-depth responses but require more time and effort.