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T= 14+273= 287 K



r=constant 0.08206

n= pv/rt (0.981x0.0551)/(0.08206x287)=0.00291mol

0.00291mol H2Ox(18.02g H2O/1mol H2O)=0.04128g H2O

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3w ago

To find the grams of water that escaped into the vapor state, we need to first calculate the partial pressure of water vapor using the vapor pressure of water at 14°C (12.8 mmHg). Next, we convert the partial pressure to atmospheres and subtract it from the total pressure to find the pressure of the other gases. Use the ideal gas law to find the moles of water vapor, then calculate the mass of water using the molar mass of water.

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Q: A mixture of gases collected over water at 14 degree celsius has a total pressure of 0.981 ATM and occupies 55 ml How many grams of water escaped into the vapor state?
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Is lymph composed of water that has escaped from cytosol?

Not exactly. Lymph is a clear fluid that contains white blood cells and comes from fluid leaked from blood vessels as well as fluid that bathes the body's cells. This fluid re-enters the bloodstream after being filtered through lymph nodes.

How long does butane fuel last?

The duration of butane fuel can vary depending on usage, but a standard small canister may last for a few hours of continuous use on a portable stove. It's recommended to keep track of usage and have backup canisters available for longer trips or extended cooking needs.

Why calorimeter is kept in wooden box?

A calorimeter is often kept in a wooden box to provide thermal insulation. Wood is a poor conductor of heat, which helps to minimize heat transfer between the calorimeter and its surroundings, enabling more accurate measurements of heat flow during experiments. This insulation helps to maintain a constant temperature inside the calorimeter, which is essential for reliable results.

What is the difference between a gas and a vapour?

A gas is a substance in a state in which it expands to fill the available space, whereas a vapor is the gaseous state of a substance that is typically a liquid or solid at room temperature. In general, gases can exist at room temperature, while vapors typically need to be heated to reach their gaseous state.

You carefully weigh out 20.00 of powder and add it to 81.00 of solution You notice bubbles as a reaction takes place You then weigh the resulting solution and find that it has a mass of 92.80?

The reaction likely produced a gas, causing bubbles. The increase in mass from 81.00 g to 92.80 g suggests that the reaction absorbed gas, increasing the overall mass of the solution. The 20.00 g of powder likely underwent a chemical reaction with the solution to produce a new compound.

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The simple past of "escape" is "escaped."

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