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Q: A mutation occures in the liver cells of a certain field mouse. which statement concerning the spread of this mutation through the mouse population is correct?
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What is one or two nucleotides that are changed in a certain mutation?

If you are looking for the term of this mutation, then the answer is point mutation.

What kind of mutation is a tumor?

it is a mutation like PLX4032 it reverses the effects of a mutation found in certain tumors

Only one or two nucleotides are changed in a certain mutation this is an example of?

Only one or two nucleotides are changed in a certain mutation. This is an example of a(n)

Does mutation depend on evolution?

The mutation theory is basically stating that mutation is one of the major factors that cause evolution. The mutation has to be a beneficial mutation, meaning that it has to help the survival of the organism that got the mutation. The mutation causes knew genes and diversity which can spread quickly throughout a population and eventually change the frequency of alleles (causes mutation) Remember the mutation has to be beneficial to the survival of the organism.

Can a mutation be passed on to offspring?

Not usually. Only In certain circumstances, can a mutation be passed on to offspring; such as Downs-syndrome.

What is a gene mutation what is a chromosomal mutation?

a gene is passed on from generations and a chromosome is just found in certain cells

Which types of mutation affects more genes a gene mutation or a chromosomal?

a gene is passed on from generations and a chromosome is just found in certain cells

What is a difference between a gene mutation and a chromosomes mutation?

a gene is passed on from generations and a chromosome is just found in certain cells

A change in the genetic material of a cell is called?

Cancer- certain mutations (changes) in a cell's genetic material may cause that cell to reproduce with out control.

Natural selection cannot occur without what?

Variations within a population. Variations mean traits that only certain individuals have that give the individual a greater or lesser chance of reproducing.

What is an aspirate mutation?

An aspirate mutation is the alteration of the initial consonant of a word which occurs in certain Celtic languages under particular linguistic circumstances.

In a certain mutation some nucleotides come up missing This is an example of a?
