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omniscient; limited

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Q: A narrator knows what only one character in a story sees feels thinks or knows a narrator knows what all characters in a story see feel think or know?
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What are four characterization techniques?

How the character looks (physical appearance), how the character thinks/feels, how the character speaks/behaves, and how other characters view the character.

Who is the narrator in third person point of view?

In third person point of view, the narrator is not a character in the story but an outside observer who can see and report on the thoughts and actions of the characters.

what is third person limited point of view ?

A story's point of view when the narrator tells only what one character thinks and feels.

Which narrator knows what every character in a story sees feels thinks or knows?

This is third person omniscient narration or point of view.

What shows the narrator thinks and feels about the topic story and characters?

The narrator's thoughts and feelings about the topic, story, and characters are conveyed through their descriptions, tone, and insights. By paying attention to the narrator's language and perspective, readers can interpret the narrator's attitude, biases, and emotional response to the elements of the narrative. It is essential to consider how the narrator's voice shapes our understanding of the story and its characters.

What is it called when the narrator is not in the story and that narrator can tell the reader what everyone thinks and feels?

This is known as third-person omniscient narration, where the narrator has unlimited knowledge and can reveal the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters within the story.

Who were the dynamic characters in lady and the tiger?

That would be the princess. She is a lesser character who also develops the main character by showing what minor character thinks, feels, and says about the major character

The ultimate goal of doing a character analysis is?

The terms for doing a character analysis is to write what the character says does feels thinks

Who is third person limited in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the narrator uses a third person limited point of view to focus on Ralph. This means the reader sees and knows only what Ralph experiences, thinks, and feels throughout the story, providing insight into his character development while keeping a sense of suspense and mystery regarding the other characters.

What character thinks the island is a bad place in lord of the flies?

The character who thinks the island is a bad place in "Lord of the Flies" is Simon. He is portrayed as the compassionate and intuitive character who feels a sense of unease about the island and its inhabitants, especially as they descend into chaos and violence.

What type of narrator describe insight into thoughts and feelings?

Omniscent third person

What does identify a character mean?

To identify means to provide some sort of details that enable you to understand what the character looks like or feels like or thinks like or is like.