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DNA fingerprint

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It IS the DNA fingerprint.

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Q: A pattern of bands made up of specific DNA fragments is a?
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How can bone fragments be broken down by the body?

Bone fragments are made of calcium carbonate. When calcium carbonate is eaten and enters the stomach, the acids in the stomach will dissolve the calcium carbonate.

Compare the leading and lagging strands during replication?

the leading strand is synthesized in the same direction as the movement of the replication fork, and the lagging strand is synthesized in the opposite direction

Based on restriction maps of plasmid determine the number of DNA fragments and sizes of the fragments?

Plasmids are circular pieces of DNA, so the number of fragments equals the number of cuts from the restriction enzymes. You can easily see this if you start with one restriction enzyme that cuts the plasmid in only one place. Cutting the circle in one place yields you only one fragment. If the restriction cuts in two places, you end up with two fragments; with three places, three fragments, etc. With linear chromosomes, the situation is different. Cutting a linear chromosome in one place yields two fragments, cutting in two places yields three fragments, etc. So the number of fragments is always one more than the number of cuts. A restriction map of a plasmid will show all of the cuts the restriction enzymes made. Each cut is labeled with the enzyme that made it. One can count the spaces between cuts to determine the number of fragments that are produced. Restriction maps usually (but not always) also show the size of each fragment.

What are the fibrous bands that attach bone to bone called?

The ligaments are the bands of tissue that connect bones to each other. Ligaments are made up of connective tissue and are similar to tendons. The connective tissue that makes them up is tough, flexible and fibrous. They are made up of collagen fibres. Weight for weight they are as strong as steel wires. Tendons are also strong elastic bands of tissue, but they connect bones to muscle within a joint.

Process used to make images of DNA?

DNA images are made using techniques such as gel electrophoresis for separating DNA fragments based on size, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for amplifying specific DNA sequences. Fluorescent dyes or radioactive labels can be used to visualize DNA bands on gels, while fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) allows for DNA mapping within cells. Advanced imaging techniques like fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy can provide detailed structural information about DNA.

Related questions

What is the pattern of dark bands on photographic film that is made when DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis and tagged?

The pattern of dark bands on photographic film in gel electrophoresis of DNA fragments is called a gel electrophoresis pattern. The dark bands are formed by DNA fragments of different sizes that have been tagged with a fluorescent or radioactive marker. The position of the bands indicates the size and quantity of the DNA fragments.

What is the pattern of dark bands on X-ray film made when an individuals DNA fragments are separated then probed and then exposed to an X-ray film?

Yeah I have no idea but I do know that you are rewriting answer from a Modern Biology worksheet because I am looking for the same thing

A rock made entirely of seashell fragments?

Coquina is a form of limestone made of seashells and seashell fragments.

Are rubber bands made out of rubber?

Yes, rubber bands are made out of rubber.(:

What can you infer about how what these meterorite fragments are made up of that can travel through space?

what can you infer about how and what thease meterorite fragments are made up of that can travel through space

What percentage of wedding bands are made with gold?

75% of wedding bands are made with gold, as 25% are made with other metals.

What kind of sedimentary rock is made of fragments of rocks cemented together by a mineral?

The rock you are referring to is called a conglomerate. Conglomerate is a coarse-grained sedimentary rock composed of rounded fragments embedded in a matrix of finer grained material, usually cemented by silica, calcite, or iron oxide.

What year were rubber bands made?

Rubber Bands are made every year. :P Actually it was first made in the year 1845.

A sedimentary rock made up of fragments of other rocks such as Breccia is?

A sedimentary rock made up of rock fragments or particles of other rocks is called 'clastic'.

What are rubber bands made of?

They are made out of silicone rubber

What class of sedimentary rocks are made of fragments from rocksminerals and shells?

Clastic sedimentary rocks are made of fragments from rocks, minerals, and shells. These fragments, called clasts, are compacted and cemented together over time to form rocks like sandstone, shale, and conglomerate.

What material are Swiss Army watch bands made from?

Swiss Army watches have bands made from a variety of materials. Leather is probably the most popular product for watch bands. However, Swiss Army also has watches with bands made of webbing, steel, rubber, and of course, gold and silver.