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Q: A person who enjoys working as the campaign manager for an underdog political candidate would probably score highest on which section of a career interest assessment?
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Related questions

How are political campaigns conducted?

Political campaigns are mainly conducted in the media with messages showing the good points of the candidate and the bad points of the opposing candidate. A campaign is also conducted by each candidate making appearances throughout the country to speak to the voters.

Is it illegal for an interest group to make a political contribution to a candidate's campaign fund?

No. The Supreme Court took off restrictions on political contributions in a ruling in 2013. That is one reason so much money is now involved in political campaigns. The small contributions can not compete with the millions that have come into the system to pay for interest based legislation.

What do interest groups establish to raise money for political campaigns?

Campaign financing is used by interest groups to raise money for political campaigns. Financing campaigns can be done at the federal, state, or local level.

How do single interest groups decide whether or nit to support a political candidate?

The issues most often determine support.

What does PAC mean?

Political Action Committee. PACs promote a specific candidate or some political interest (guns, abortion etc.)

When an interest group gives money to its lobbyist to support a particular political candidate that money frequently comes from?

a. membership dues you're welcome ;)

How do interest groups influence political parties?

Interest groups can influence political parties by providing financial support, mobilizing grassroots campaigns, offering expertise on policy issues, and shaping public opinion through advocacy efforts. They can also influence party platforms and policy decisions by lobbying party leaders and representatives.

Corporations can contribute money to political campaigns by forming?

Political Action Committees (PACs), these are political arms of businesses, labors, trades, professional or other interest groups, legally authorized to raise funds on a voluntary basis from employees/ members to contribute to a candidate or political party. They can contribute $5000 per candidate per election and $15000 total in an election.

A political action committee attempts to benefit the members of an interest group by?

raising and contributing campaign funds to canidates who agree with the views.! Plato<3

Who ran a national political campaign and didn't seek contributions from interest groups?

I think it was Ross Perot, in 1992, when George H. W. Bush, was running for a second term and was defeated by Bill Clinton. I believe Mr. Perot got 16% of the votes, even though he was not on the ballot in all 50 states.

What is the political arm of a special interest group?

the political arm of an interest group?

Why would an interest group choose campaign contributions?

Campaign contributions give faster results than lawsuits or mass mobilization- you are dealing with one person (the politician you are funding); it buys the candidate's loyalty and support; it provides access when the interest group needs assistance; it is more effective on a single, focused issue; you don't need a large group of people to back you up (as with mass mobilization).