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Q: A person who likes to hear themselves talk?
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What does the proverb every bird likes to here itself sing mean?

Some people like to talk just to hear themselves talk and they'e not really interested a real conversation with another person.

What do you call a person that likes to talk a lot?

One name for someone who likes to talk a lot is "chatterbox". An adjective for someone who likes to talk a lot would be "gossipy".

If the person is born deaf thus this mean he is also mute?

No, but it is hard for people to talk when they cant hear themselves. they cant control the volume of their voice easily.

How do you know If a boy likes you but doesn't talk to you?

You cant really, everyone is different. People tend to assume that someone likes them allot and then they gain confidence and make total idiots of themselves so don't be that person! Go talk to them and get to know them that is the only way to know if they like you.

How do you talk to a person that hates themselves?

Talk to them and tell them to be confident by temselves...

How would you know if a woman likes you for sex or a long relationship?

Answer God gave us ears to hear with, and a mouth to talk with, so why not use what God gave you and ask the person you are with, what he or she is looking for.

To breack the ice?

If you are trying to break the ice with someone, try asking questions. Everyone likes to talk about themselves and their likes and dislikes.

Why don't you hear when a person who talk from a long distance?

when we talk from a long distance the air in the atmosphere will break the voice so we cannot hear

Why do people talk so luod?

There could be various reasons why someone talks loudly, such as hearing impairment, cultural background, or a desire to be heard in a noisy environment. It is important to approach the situation with empathy and understanding before making assumptions.

What does it mean when someone likes to talk to you a lot?

They fell comfortable around you. Or they like you... Or your just the only person who hasn't said "shut up". It really just depends on the person.

How can you become a great person to talk to so everyone wants to talk to you?

Get people to talk about themselves. If you have a knack for getting people to talk to you about themselves, you will quickly get a reputation as a "great conversationalist".

What do you call a person that cannot talk hear and see?

Communications impaired