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Q: A person with with the blood group genotype lmln has phenotype mn what is the relationship between the lm and ln?
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What Most of the traits expressed in a person phenotype are determined by?

the Phenotype is the direct result of the genotype and the environment...... genotype + environment = Phenotype

How are Genotype phenotype different?

Phenotypes are the traits expressed by the genotype. So, for blood type, a person can have A and i alleles (genotype). However, in the phenotype, since i is recessive, only the A will be expressed, and the person will have an A blood type.

Compare and contrast genotype and phenotype?

An organism's genotype is its genetic identity. The genotype is comprised of all the genetic material inherited from both parents. The genotype is what "tells" each individual cell how to function. The phenotype is the physical expression of an organism's genotype. For example, if a person's genotype for eye color is one dominant allele for brown and one recessive for blue, then the individual's phenotype would be their actual eye color which in this case would be brown.

How can a person genotype for a trait be determined from his or her phenotype for the trait?


How can a person's genotype for a trait be determined from his or her phenotype for the trait?


When can you accurately determine a person's genotype from their phenotype?

Yes you can accurately determine an organisms genotype by observing it's phenotype, however some phenotypic traits resulting from homozygous or heterozygous combinations of alleles, may make the prediction impossible.

Phenotype and genotype classifications of genes?

Phenotype refers to a gene that affects a physical characteristic of a person while genotype is a personality trait or an "unseen" characteristic which can include what illnesses run in your family.

Why is a persons phenotype harder to predict than a persons genotype?

Because peoples appearances changes as their body changes.

Is it possible for a with a blood type alleles Ia and Ib to have blood type a?

In the perfect world, no. IA and IB are codominant so both alleles are represented in the person's phenotype. Blood type A can only be represented by itself in a phenotype if the person's genotype is either IA IA or IA i.(The result of a DNA mutation may be able to create a phenotype of blood type A out of a (purebred) cross (of blood type A and B).No. IA and IB are both codominant . Blood type A can only be represented by itself in a phenotype if the person's genotype is IAIA or IAi. Blood type B can only be represented by itseft in a phenotype if the person's genotype is IBIB or IBi. If the phenotype (blood type) is AB the genotype is IAIB.

What is the phenotype of an orgarism?

The phenotype is the characteristic or trait that is expressed in the organism. So, for example, if a person has blue eyes, his/her phenotype for eye color is blue. In case you didn't know, the genotype is simply the gene that codes for the phenotype. So with the blue eyes, the genotype of the person for eye color must have been recessive alleles (because blue eyes are a recessive trait).

What is an individual with genotype AAA described as?

An Aa genotype can result in the same phenotype as either an AA or AA genotype, if one of the alleles acts in a dominant fashion. If the A allele is dominant over the a allele, then the phenotype of a heterozygous (Aa) individual will be the same as the phenotype of a homozygous dominant (AA) individual.

What is the relationship between a geneotype and aphenotyepe?

A genotype is having a specific gene pair. A phenotype is a specific appearance. For instance, with eyes, the brown gene is dominant over the blue gene, so a person with the brown-brown, brown-blue or blue-brown genotype will have a brown-eyed phenotype. If they have a blue-blue genotype, they will have a blue-eyed phenotype. (it's actually way more complicated, because there's a number of eye color genes and there's a hierarchy (or possibly even a cyclical network (a la rock paper scissors - brown>blue>green>brown)) of dominance in the genes, but you get the idea.)