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an annual

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Q: A plant with a life cycle of one year is known as what?
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What plant completes its entire life cycle within one growing season?

An "annual" plant, because "annual" means once a year.

What is the Life cycle of timber?

Life cycle show the living time(in year) of the tree. Each cycle indicates One year old.

What is a plant that lives only 2 years?

A plant that lives only two years is called a biennial. They usually only bloom one year and that is the last year. Their life cycle covers two years.

What is the difference between an annual and a biennials plant?

An annual completes its life cycle in one year, from seed to flowering, back to new seed. A biennial has a two year life cycle. The first year it grows from seed and produces foliage. The second year, it flowers, produces seeds, and dies. Perennials are plants that have long lives, varying from a few years to more than 100. They come back every year from the original plant.

How long is the life cycle of sunflowers?

If it was in the wild the life cycle is from seedling to seedling and that is typically a year...

What of these statements best defines annual plants?

One statement that defines annual plants is that they only live for one year. This means that their entire life cycle occurs during one calendar year, from inception to reproduction to death.

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What must die before a new plant can grow from a seed?

Nothing needs to die to produce seed, although anualls die off after a year as it is their life cycle.

What is flowering plants that complete a life cycle within one growing season?

Flowering plants that complete a life cycle within one growing season are called annuals. An annual plant sprout from a seed grows, blooms, produces fruits and seeds in the period of one year. All roots, stem, leaves of the plant die annually.

What type of flower Completes life cycle in one year?

Annual flowers complete their life cycle in one summer.

What is the life cycle stages of our star the sun?

It is approx half-way through its 10 billion year life cycle.

What statement best define defines annual plant?

they complete their cycle in a year or less A+