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A repressor protein, also called an Inhibitor.

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Q: A protein that binds to an operator and inhibits transcription?
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Why is the tryptophan operon turned off in the presence of tryptophan?

Tryptophan binds to and activates the repressor proteins; the repressor proteins, in turn, bind to the operator, preventing transcription.

What is the operon hypothesis and discuss how it explains the control of?

control of messenger RNA production? An operon is made up of a promoter, structural genes, and the operator. The operator is basically the on-off switch for DNA polymerase. Transcription relies on the cell's regulator, which codes for a repressor that bind to the operator. When the repressor binds to the operator, the promoter is blocked. Thus, preventing transcription to occur. However, an inducer can activate or deactivate the repressor. When deactivated, RNA polymerase can bind to the DNA molecule to begin transcription.

A lac repressor turns off the lac genes by binding to?

When the lac repressor binds to the O region, RNA polymerase is prevented from beginning the process of transcription. In effect, the binding of the repressor protein turns the operon "off" by preventing the transcription of its genes. (Prentice Hall Biology Book .....Chapter 12 page 310)

How do repressors affect promoters?

a repressor is a protein that binds to DNA, which turns off the genes that code for the digestive enzymes. the promoter, located near the digestive enzyme genes, is a section on DNA that serves as the binding site for the enzyme RNA polymers.

What process begins at the promoter of DNA?

The promoter is the sight at which the transcription machinery binds the DNA and initiates the transcription of the gene.

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What is an apoinducer?

An apoinducer is a protein which binds to DNA to activate transcription, particularly in positive gene control mechanisms.

Why is the tryptophan operon turned off in the presence of tryptophan?

Tryptophan binds to and activates the repressor proteins; the repressor proteins, in turn, bind to the operator, preventing transcription.

What happens when a steroid hormonoe binds to a receptor?

acts as a transcription factor and binds to DNA, activating a gene

What is the operon hypothesis and discuss how it explains the control of?

control of messenger RNA production? An operon is made up of a promoter, structural genes, and the operator. The operator is basically the on-off switch for DNA polymerase. Transcription relies on the cell's regulator, which codes for a repressor that bind to the operator. When the repressor binds to the operator, the promoter is blocked. Thus, preventing transcription to occur. However, an inducer can activate or deactivate the repressor. When deactivated, RNA polymerase can bind to the DNA molecule to begin transcription.

A lac repressor turns off the lac genes by binding to?

When the lac repressor binds to the O region, RNA polymerase is prevented from beginning the process of transcription. In effect, the binding of the repressor protein turns the operon "off" by preventing the transcription of its genes. (Prentice Hall Biology Book .....Chapter 12 page 310)

What is ILRN1 gene?

ILRN1 is not a recognized gene. It may be a typographical error or an incorrect designation. It is important to ensure the accurate gene name or identifier when researching genetic information.

How do repressors affect promoters?

a repressor is a protein that binds to DNA, which turns off the genes that code for the digestive enzymes. the promoter, located near the digestive enzyme genes, is a section on DNA that serves as the binding site for the enzyme RNA polymers.

When a hormone molecule binds to a specific protein on the plasma membrane the protein it binds to is called?

... a receptor protein.

What process begins at the promoter of DNA?

The promoter is the sight at which the transcription machinery binds the DNA and initiates the transcription of the gene.

When the lac repressor protein binds to the?

The other region is the OPERATOR (O) e coli cells contains several copies of a DNA binding proteins known as the lac repressor, which can be bind to the O region your answer: Operator

What is a protein that binds with oxygen molecules?

Hemoglobin binds with oxygen molecules. Hemoglobin is a protein molecule.