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Francium is radioactive, extremely rare, and was discovered in France (hence the name). It is pretty much useless because of its short half-life and rarity.

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Q: A radioactive element discovered in France and has no uses?
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What is the classification for the element francium?

Francium is an alkali metal, group 1 of the periodic table, radioactive, unstable, without uses now.

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What element on the periodic table Is hardly used?

Lots of the elements have few or no practical uses. Many of the artificial radioactive ones (e.g. Einsteinium) have no uses outside research. Others such as thallium are so toxic that they are only used in very specialized situations. You can use the link to an interactive periodic table to explore the uses of the elements. If you are looking for the answer to a specific question, be sure to be clear whether uses of the compounds of the element count or not. Click on each element to get more information about it.

What is the most useless element periodic table?

Protactiniumand Francium have no known uses outside the lab. Protactinuium is an unwanted natural byproduct of uranium decay. Francium is radioactive and very unstable.

What does berkelium do?

Berkelium is a radioactive element with the atomic number 96. No practical uses for berkelium have been found and the small amounts that have been created have been used exclusively for scientific research.

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