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Q: A rapid method of speciation that has been important in the history of flowering plants?
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What is the most likely explanation for speciation occurs?

It occurs by more than one method.

What is most likely the explanation for how speciation occurs?

It occurs by more than one method

What is most likely explanation for how speciation occurs?

It occurs by more than one method

What effect does reproductive isolation have on species?

It leads to speciation. many species in nature have evolved by this method.

Which method of reproduction cannot be reproduced by non-flowering plants?


How do non-flowering plants pollinate?

Non-flowering plants don't pollinate. They reproduce by spores or budding.

What are the implications of asexual reproduction in the evolution of species?

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Why history is science?

History is a science because, the method used to evaluate historical sources is closely related to the scientific method. In school, history is considered a "social science."

What type of evolution is a slow change of one species to another?

Isolation of population and impact of climate change creates speciation. It is the method of slow change of one species to another.

What is the field of history?

History is one of the important social studies that is part of school and college courses of study. It can be said to have certain features of a "science" however, as it deals for the most part with the unpredictable actions of humankind, it is almost impossible to apply the scientific method to various types of history.

Why is it important to have method of doing tings?

A method provides a means for confirming findings.

What are the artificial planning method?

your hypothisis is the most important thing in the planning method