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A reaction in which all the reactants form only products is called a complete reaction. This means that all the reactants are consumed and converted into products without any remaining starting materials.

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Q: A reaction in which all the reactants form only products is?
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What happens to the reactants in a chemical reaction?

Put casually, they react with each other to form products. e.g. Reactants A & B form products C & D A + B = C + D

How do the properties of reactants compare to the properties of products?

The properties of reactants differ from those of products. Reactants are the starting materials in a chemical reaction and usually have higher potential energy compared to products. Products are the substances formed after the reaction, and their properties, such as chemical composition, density, and reactivity, can vary from those of the reactants.

In a chemical reaction how does the total mass of the reactants compare to the total mass of the products?

The total mass of the reactants equals the total mass of the products in a chemical reaction, according to the law of conservation of mass. This means that no atoms are created or destroyed during a chemical reaction – they are simply rearranged.

A chemical reaction that shows only the formulas but not the relative amounts of the reactants and products is an?

Skeleton equations do not show the relative amounts of reactants and products (are "unbalanced"). Balanced equations do show the relative amounts of the reactants and products.

In a chemical reaction the mass of reactants must equal the mass of.?

In a chemical reaction, the mass of reactants must equal the mass of products. This is in accordance with the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, only rearranged.

Related questions

What happens to the reactants in a chemical reaction?

Put casually, they react with each other to form products. e.g. Reactants A & B form products C & D A + B = C + D

In a chemical reaction how does the total mass of the reactants compare to the total mass of the products?

The total mass of the reactants equals the total mass of the products in a chemical reaction, according to the law of conservation of mass. This means that no atoms are created or destroyed during a chemical reaction – they are simply rearranged.

What number of products and reactants are produced by a chemical reaction?

It depends on the reaction. Also, only the products are produced by a chemical reaction; the reactants produce the reaction and are changed in the reaction to the products. (If you have a chemical equation, the number of distinct molecules and/or isolated element symbols on the right side of the equation will show how many distinct products are formed in the reaction.)

How does reactants and products differ?

The reactants are basically what you put in (not including catalysts which are not part of the reaction, only make it more efficient). The products are what is produced at the end of that reaction.

A chemical reaction that shows only the formulas but not the relative amounts of the reactants and products is an?

Skeleton equations do not show the relative amounts of reactants and products (are "unbalanced"). Balanced equations do show the relative amounts of the reactants and products.

If new products are made in a chemical reaction what does that suggest about the reaction?

No new products can be made in a chemical reaction. Only the reactants exchange or react with another element.

What are the two basic parts of a chemical reaction?

Chemical reaction is the making and breaking of chemical bonds, leading to changes in the composition of matter. Chemical reactions do not create or destroy matter; they only rearrange it in various ways.

What is the substance produced as a result of chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction starts with reactants and results in products.

Why the amounts of reactants and products do not change in a reversible reaction?

The amount of reactants and products do not change in reversible reactions because, in a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed -- it is only rearranged. This is the law of conservation of matter.

Why amount of reactant and product do not change in reversible reaction?

The amount of reactants and products do not change in reversible reactions because, in a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed -- it is only rearranged. This is the law of conservation of matter.

The only sure evidence for a chemical reaction is?

A kind of chemical bond in the possible reaction products that did not exist in the reactants, or a kind of chemical bond in the reactants that does not exist in the possible reaction products.

If the only reactions of a reaction were Zn and HCl what does the law of conservation of mass say about the products?

the products will contain only Zn,H, and Cl. apex