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6d ago

A red wavy underline typically indicates a spelling error or typo, not necessarily a grammatical mistake. It suggests that there may be a misspelled word or an unrecognized term in the text.

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Q: A red wavy underline means that the flagged text may be incorrect gramatically?
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True or false a red wary underline means that the flagged text may be incorrect grammatically?


Is it true that a red wavy underline means that the flagged text may be incorrect grammatically?

no, grammar errors are wavy underlined green

Is 'I win you' gramatically incorrect?

If 'I win you' means 'I beat you,' it's grammatically incorrect. If it means 'I win, and the prize is you,' then it's probably correct--although you might want to rephrase it as "If I win, the prize is you."

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"Dan te reve" is actually a gramatically incorrect form of "dans tes rêves," which means "in your dreams".

What is the wavy underline that indicates that the text may be incorrect grammatically?

It basically means that whatever is underlined is written with bad grammar. Fix it!

What does it mean if a question is automatically flagged?

It means that is has been flagged by a wikianswers bot because there is offensive or otherwise inappropriate material in the answer.

What does subraya mean in spanish?

It means underline.

What does flagged mean on a computer?

It means something is marked for future processing, or marked to catch a supervisor's attention.

Is it gramatically correct to use its without an apostrophe?

Unless it means "it is", there is no apostrophe in "its". See related question.

Is it correct to say convenient for you or convenient to you?

You should say for your convenience it is *gramatically correct-*just means correct

What does it mean when a comment has been flagged as spam?

A comment that has been flagged for spam is hidden from view. It usually means that the comment is advertising someone or is otherwise saying something that is not relevant to the video.

What does an underlined dimension mean on a drawing?

An underline on a dimension means that it is not to scale.