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Q: A reinforcer is a consequence that do what to a behavior?
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What will be the consequence if Britain capitulates to Germany?

no consequence, they did nothing except sending few soldiers, all what happened is that they were bombarded. The question is, what the consequence would be, if USA didn't make Europe invasion?

What was a major consequence of the Battle of Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill?

What was a major consequence of the Battle of Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill?

Migration to the north is a consequence of?

all of the above

What was a consequence of Shay and Rebellion?

A new constitution.

“ Which of these was not a consequence of the Great Depression “?

Government bailouts

Related questions

Is punishment a reinforcer?

Punishment is not a reinforcer. there is Negative Punishment and Positive Punishment, and also Negative Reinforcement and Positive Reinforcement.*Negative Punishment is a consequence withdrawn following a response that causes a behavior to occur with less frequency.*Negative Reinforcement is a consequence withdrawn following a response that causes a behavior to occur with greater frequency.*Positive Punishment is a consequence delivered following a response that causes a behavior to occur with less frequency.*Positive Reinforcement is a consequence delivered following a response that causes a behavior to occur with greater frequency.

What is a positive reinforcer?

I edit this as you are incorrect with Negative reinforcement StarGaizer42, Negative Reinforcement IS when you remove a stimulus or consequence to encourage good behavior. i.e. If you do this now(good thing), you wont have to do that later (bad thing)

What is the difference between a behaviour and consequence?

A consequence is the end result of the behavior. The behavior is the act. The consequence is the result. For example, the act (behavior) of armed robbery could lead to the consequence of a prison sentence.

Defined as an consequence event that increases or maintains the occurrence of a behavior?

Pleasure is the consequence that encourages repeat behavior.

What is a conditioned reinforcer?

A conditioned reinforcer is a stimulus that has taken on the properties of a reinforcer. When trainers are training dogs, they use the process of a conditioned reinforcer.

A word of praise is to a delicious meal as a conditioned reinforcer is to _____.?

a primary reinforcer

What is a primary reinforcer?

The response of drinking water when you are thirsty. The water can be referred to as a "primary reinforcer".

A stimulus that acquires reinforcing power by association with a primary reinforcer is called?

conditioned reinforcer

How insects affect man as a consequence of varied habits and behavior?

Insects affect man in many ways as a consequence of varied habits and behavior. These insects will bite because humans corner them in their habitats.

What were BF Skinner's solutions to behavioral issues?

B.F. Skinner believed that behavioral issues could be resolved through operant conditioning, where behavior is shaped through reinforcement and punishment. He proposed using positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors and using negative reinforcement to discourage unwanted behaviors. Skinner also emphasized the importance of environmental factors in shaping behavior.

What is a good example of a primary reinforcer?

Food = Hunger, Water = Thirst. Food serves as a primary reinforcer for a hungry rat, and water serves as a primary reinforcer for a thirsty one. Note: A primary reinforcer is any stimulus or event that by its mere delivery or removal acts naturally (without learning). Hope it helped, - Azad Prestek

What increases the likelihood that a behavior will occur again by removing an unpleasant stimulus?

You are describing 'negative reinforcement'. People very often confuse negative reinforcement with punishment. Punishment is clearly not a reinforcer in the context of operant conditioning. Negative reinforcement is. The frequency of a behavior goes up when that behavior results in the removal of a noxious stimulus. It would work for me.