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Q: A researcher interested in relationships developed a questionnaire that measures the degree of affection adult men feel for their fathers?
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In relationships what does PDA mean?

Public Display of Affection. A.K.A having sex on the street

What does strained relationships mean?

its a difficult and awkward relationship. sometimes its a relationship where affection isn't expressed often

Is affection essential in a intimate relationship?

You didn't stipulate in this question if the relationship was an intimate one. There are all kinds of relationships. Even so, most relationships imply there is love at some level present. So I would say that affection is present in relationships that involve a person or persons that care for each other in some way. The way that affection manifests itself is subject to the environment of the relationship and thus varies based on the conditions. You can have affection for another that you only admire or fancy and not have have a relationship in the sense that it was previously spoken about, but you have still formed a relationship to that person in your mind.

Can dads call you babe?

Absolutely. Babe isn't just a term for people in relationships, it is just a term of affection

How do you be a good dad?

spend time with your kids, show them lots of love and affection and help and support them in what they do or are interested in

What does sister-girl mean and why do boys say that?

It means that he feels affection for you, but is not romantically interested (or is afraid to show it).

What are three interpersonal needs that William schutz identified as the needs and that motivates us to form and maintain relationships with others?

they are inclusion, control, and affection.

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relationships between child and parent, fears of unknown, innocence of child, parents' affection towards a child and its effects

What does it mean if the girlfriend sucked her forefinger then put it in her boyfriend's mouth and repeated it again and again?

From my understanding and knowledge of relationships and everything alike, this is to show great affection, that you are both sharing your DNA and are not bothered by physical and emotional interactions. It is a way of showing love and affection.

What is more important respect or affection in a relationship?

Respect by far is definitely more important in relationships. If there's no respect then there is nothing. Affection is important and we all urge to be affectionate with our loved ones! But while we all strive to receive respect we should always be willing to give respect as well! Affection is important to us all! But respect is the key to a successful relationship!

How to win a girl?

The best way to win a woman's affection is to be kind and gentlemanly to her. Treat her nicely and get to know her. If she's interested in you, treating her kindly will help you get in her good graces.

Men and women might be more equal today name something women still do more of in most relationships?

Cook Household Chores Show Affection Communicate Show Emotion