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This is called a compound complex sentence. The main clauses are usually connected by a conjunction. The subordinate clause is connected to a main clause by an adverb.

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Q: A sentence that contains two main clauses and one subordinate clause?
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This is an independent clause with no subordinate clauses?

Simple sentence.

What is subordinate clauses?

A subordinate clause is a clause that can not stand alone as a complete sentence, because it does not express a complete thought

This consists of one independent clause with one or more subordinate clauses?

Complex SentenceProof?when what is a complex sentence google itself defined it as:A sentence containing a subordinate clause or clauses.that is your answer but it doesn't mention an independent clause this is because all sentences have an independent clause since the subordinate(dependent) clauses need something to depend on especially when it is only one subordinate clause. So it has one independent clause with one or more subordinate clause or clauses.

Which type of sentence contains two or more independent clauses?

A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses, and no dependent (or subordinate) clause(s). The independent clauses that make up a compound sentence may be connected with a coordinating conjunction, conjunctive adverb, or semicolon.

What part of speech is a preposition?

A preposition is a part of speech used to show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. It typically indicates location, direction, time, or the relationship between nouns or pronouns.

What’s a complex sentence?

You make a complex sentence when you have both a dependent clause along with an independent clause.

Is a sentence with an adverb or adjective clause a compound sentence?

A sentence with an adverb or adjective clause is a complex sentence, because an adjective clause is a subordinate clause. A complex sentence must contain one independent clause plus one or more subordinate clauses.

A sentence with an adverb or adjective clause is a compound sentence?

A sentence with an adverb or adjective clause is a complex sentence, because an adjective clause is a subordinate clause. A complex sentence must contain one independent clause plus one or more subordinate clauses.

What are subordinate and insubordinate clauses?

An Independent clause is independent or main clause expresses a complete thought and can stand by itself as a sentence. An Subordinate clause is a subordinate (or dependent) clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand by itself as a complete sentence.

What is the purpose of a subordinate clause in a sentence?

A subordinate clause adds extra information to a main clause, providing a deeper understanding or context to the main idea. It typically cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and relies on the main clause for full meaning. Subordinate clauses are often introduced by subordinating conjunctions such as "because," "although," or "if."

Which sentence type includes both a subordinate clause and an independent clause?

The sentence type that includes both a subordinate clause and an independent clause would be a complex sentence. You would need to insert a conjunction to separate the two clauses for the sentence to be grammatically correct.

Can subordinate clauses stand alone as a sentence?

A subordinate clause, also known as a dependent clause, is a clause that cannot stand alone as a sentence because it does not contain a subject and a verb that express a complete thought. Subordinate clauses depend on a main clause to form a complete sentence. For example, the subordinate clause "because it was raining" in the sentence "I stayed inside because it was raining" cannot stand alone as a sentence because it does not express a complete thought. It must be attached to a main clause to form a complete sentence. On the other hand, a main clause, also known as an independent clause, is a clause that can stand alone as a sentence because it contains a subject and a verb that express a complete thought. For example, the main clause "I stayed inside" in the sentence "I stayed inside because it was raining" can stand alone as a sentence because it expresses a complete thought. So to answer your question, subordinate clauses cannot stand alone as a sentence, but main clauses can.