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Endoplasmic Reticulum

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endoplasmic reticulum

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Q: A series of folded membranes that move materials around in the cell?
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Series of folded membranes that move materials around in the cell?

it is the ribosome

What is a series of folded membranes that moves materials around in a cell?

The mitochondria

A series of folded membranes that move materials around the cell?

It is endoplasmic reticulum.

What is the series of folded membranes that move materials around in the cell called?

E.R. or called endoplasmic reticulum. This is a series of folded membranes that move materials around the cell; organelle. The organelle is like the organs of a human nucleus heart/brain etc and other parts of the cell

WhatTransport system for proteins in the cell?

E.R. or also called endoplasmic reticulum: it is a series of folded membranes t hat move materials around the cell

What is a series of folded membranes that move materials around the cell?

Endoplsmic Recticulum. There are two types of ER. The rough and smooth ER. The rough ER is dotted with ribosomes.

What is a series of highly folded membranes suspended in the cytoplasm with nothing attached to its outside?


What is a series of folded membrane that move materials around in the cells?

Endoplsmic Recticulum. There are two types of ER. The rough and smooth ER. The rough ER is dotted with ribosomes.

Which is an organelle found in the cytoplasm has a smooth outer membrane and greatly folded inner membrane?

Endoplasmic Reticulum: a series of highly folded membranes, "rough" endoplasmic reticulum has many ribosomes attached to it. "Smooth" endoplasmic reticulum has no ribosomes attached to it and is the structure where fats (lipids) are made but both types of endoplasmic reticulum carry materials through the cytoplasm.

Ribosomes are attached to the rough part of the endoplasmic reticulum that...?

The series of folded membrane that move materials aroud the cell is called the endoplasmic reticulim.

What is a series of large flattened membranes that are a pathway through cytoplasm?

is a series of large flattened membranes that are a pathway through the cytoplasm

A series of canals that are made up of membranes are called what?

Endoplasmic reticulum