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Baroque music, such as the many works of Handel and Scarlatti.

Amalia Zents

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Q: A singing style which uses rapid scales and exaggerated ornamentation and very high pitches is called what?
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Which category of soprano voice specializes in ornamentation and rapid passages in the upper register?

The technique of such runs, trills and ornamentation of a vocal line is called coloratura, Italian for "coloring." In practice, all voices were at one time expected to indulge in this kind of vocal display. The early to mid 19th century in Italy was the height of popularity for bel canto (beautiful singing) operas by such composers as Mozart, Bellini, Donizetti and Rossini. The term has become most identified with sopranos, who are then called coloratura sopranos.

What is an elaborate style of ornamentation called?

Baroque - elaborate and extensive ornamentation in decorative art and architecture that flourished in Europe in the 17th century

What is harmonization?

Harmony is the acoustic phenomenon that sounds which have a certain definable pitch (musical sounds) tend to reinforce sounds with other different pitches. In its simplest form a man singing a song and a woman singing along with him are usually singing at different pitches, but the frequency of the woman's voice is twice that of the man's. Because their voice pitches are related by this simple mathematical relationship, they blend and reinforce each other--so much so that they probably do not realize that they are in fact singing different notes. If the woman sings at pitches one-and-a-half times that of the man, the result is a sound we associate with monks singing in Gregorian chant. The voices still support and reinforce each others' sound, but in a different way. If one woman is singing at one-and-a-half times the pitch of the man and another at twice the pitch, all three voices reinforce each other. Add another woman singing at a pitch two-and-a-half times the man's pitch and the result is spectacular! Combining different pitches in this way so as to reinforce each other is called "harmonizing" and the result is harmony, whether using voices or Musical Instruments. That's the literal meaning. Figuratively, organizing any group of people or things so that their actions reinforce and support each other is often called "harmonizing".

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When in literatur something is exaggerated for effect it is called?


A singing group of eight is called an?

A singing group of eight is called an octet.

What is a person called that has an exaggerated sense of ones importance?

a boaster

What is talk singing called?

Singing is singing. And if its a fast kind of talk of singing its most probably a rap.

What is a succesion of pitches going higher or lower called?

A succession of pitches going higher or lower is called a melody. Melodies are created by combining different pitches in a sequence to create a musical line or phrase.

What are two persons singing called?

A duet Is what two people singing together is called.

What is the singing style which features groups singing in alternation and then together?

When groups are singing the same song but different tunes, it is called harmony. When the groups are singing together, it is called unison.