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golgi body

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Q: A stack of flattened sacs that process and package proteins?
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What apparatus is a flattened stack of tubular membranes that modifies and packages proteins into vesicles and transports them to other organelles or out of the cell?

The Golgi Apparatus or the Golgi bodies, named after Camillo Golgi.

What is the flattened layered sac like organelle?

The endoplasmic reticulum looks like flattened stack of sacs.

What are closely stacked flattened sacks in a cell?

In a plant cell, these are the thylakoid stacks located in the chloroplast. One stack is called a granum. They aid in the photosynthesis process.

How Harper Golgi apparatus?

stack of flat membrane enclosed spaces containing enzymes the process ,sort , deliver proteins

What organelle looks like a stack of pancakes and packages protein?

Golgi body or Golgi bodies. Biology review work sheet chapter 4

What organelle look like flattened sacks side by side?

The endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle that looks like stack.

What is gulgi apparatus?

In a living eukaryotic cell the organelle called the Golgi apparatus stores and modifies proteins for specific functions and prepares them for transport to other parts of the cell. The Golgi apparatus consists of a stack of flattened sacs, and is usually located near the cell nucleus.

What organelle is closely stacked flattened membrane sacs?

The endoplasmic reticulum is the organelle that's looks like a stack of sacs.

What group of flattened sacs detoxifies poisons that may be found in the body?

A Golgi apparatus is the group of flattened sacs that detoxifies poisons that may be found in the body. The Golgi are grouped together like a stack of bowls.

What is the function of Golgi stack?

They convert proteins and lipid into glycol proteins and glyco lipids.They involve in material transport mainly.

Is the Golgi apparatus a stack of membranes that packages proteins into sacs called vesicles?

Yes,it also modify proteins into glycoproteins

What is the synonym of bundle?

package, collection, bag, array, pack, quantity, stack