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qwek qwak ... add me sa ym abizhal13 :]]


hmm..Barack Obama is the President of the United States of America.

Barack Obama is the subject

IS is the linking verb

and PRESIDENT is the subjective complement

like saying barack obama = president

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Q: A subjective complement and a linking verb sentence?
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What is the function of a subjectiuve complement?

The function of subjective complements is to follow the linking verb with a predictive expression. It also works to complement the subject of the sentence.

Does a sentence containing a linking verb also has a subject complement?

Yes, a sentence with a linking verb will often have a subject complement. The subject complement renames or describes the subject and is connected to it by the linking verb.

Tom left his bicycle on the sidewalk what is the subject complement in the sentence?

There is no subject complement in that sentence. A subject complement is a noun, pronoun, or adjective that follows a linking verb. Left is the verb, and it's transitive, not linking.

What is the subject complement in the sentence They gave their dog to a farmer?

There is no subject complement because there is no linking verb. Gave is an action verb.

Is it possible in a sentence to don't have any noun complement?

A sentence may have no complement at all.A complement is a noun (or adjective) that follows a linking verb and renames the subject, a subject complement.When the noun (or adjective) follows the direct object and it tells what the direct object has become, it is the object complement.If you are not using a linking verb and you are not describing the object of the verb, the sentence has no complement.

Is would a linking verb?

"Is" can function as both a linking verb and an auxiliary verb. As a linking verb, it connects the subject of a sentence to a subject complement, typically describing a state of being. For example, in the sentence "He is happy," "is" is a linking verb connecting "he" to "happy."

Is it correct to say 'It was they who were to blame'?

Yes, the sentence is correct.The pronoun 'they' is a subjective personal pronoun. In the example sentence, the pronoun 'they' is functioning as a subject complement following a linking verb (It = they). A pronoun that follows a linking verb is always the subjective form.A linking verb acts as an equals sign, the object is a form of the subject (Mary is my sister. Mary=sister); or the subject becomes the object (Mary's feet got wet. feet->wet).A subject complement takes the place of a direct object following a linking verb and restates the subject of the sentence.The subject complements are:a predicate nominative is a noun or a pronoun following a linking verb;a predicate adjective is an adjective following a linking verb.

Does a subject complement follow a linking verb not an action verb?

Yes, a subject complement follows a linking verb and not an action verb.

Which pronoun should you use in this sentence The teacher will be he or him?

The appropriate pronoun is 'he'. In the sentence the pronoun he, takes the place of the noun 'teacher' as the subject complement following the linking verb 'will be'. A pronoun functioning as a subject complement (predicate nominative) is always a nominative (subjective) form.

A linking verb in the sentence The people elected him president in 1800?

There is no linking verb in the sentence "The people elected him president in 1800." Elected is a regular verb.Linking verbs do not express an action and connect the subject to a subject complement. Example: Learning is fun. Isis a linking verb connecting the subject (learning) to the complement (fun).

Sally is very patient with her pesky little brother transitive or intransitive sentence?

The verb "is" is a linking verb.A linking verb acts as an equals sign, the object of a linking verb restates the subject of the sentence.Sally = patientThe object of a linking verb is called a subject complement; a noun, pronoun, or adjective that the subject is or becomes.The subject complement "patient" is a predicate adjective.A noun or pronoun subject complement is a predicate nominative.

What is the linking verb on newspaper meet some human needs?

The linking verb in the sentence is "meet". It connects the subject "newspaper" to the complement "some human needs".