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Its Bile

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Q: A substance made by the liver that breaks up fat particles is called?
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What is A substance that breaks down fats and is produced in the liver?


What substance breaks up the fat particles?

Bile salts breaks up large fat droplet into smaller ones. Called chylomicron.

What is the greenish substance the liver produce called? Rayfi =]

What enzyme breaks down fats?

Enzyme that break down fatty acids are called lipases. Bile is a substance made in our liver which contains salts that breaks down fat into smaller droplets. The pancreas also contains a substance called pancreatic juice which contains numerous enzymes that work to break down things such as fat, protein and starch.

What chemical is secreted by the liver and how does it help with digestion?

This substance is called bile.

How is food digested with the big idea of particles?

With the big idea of particles, food is digested. But how? There is a thing called enzymes, and it breaks all the things down (except from all the insoluble wastes. The remained waste forms poo and comes out from anus.

What is the function of the liver and gallbladder?

The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile. The liver produces many functions with digestion, metabolism, immunity and the storage of nutrients within your body. There are tubes called bile ducts that carry bile through the liver and gallbladder.

Why does liver break down H2O2 faster than potato?

It breaks down the potato faster because the liver contains more of an enzyme called catalase in it than the potato.

What is the substance the liver secretes called?

The liver secretes bile which helps to get the fatty parts of food to dissolve in water so that they can be more easily broken down.

What substance does the liver into urea?

the liver filters the nitrogen out if your blood

What organ breaks down chemicals?


What organelle breaks down lipids?

your liver