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Insulin - The Dude That's Friends With THE DUDE

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Q: A substance produced by genetically-engineered bacteria is?
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Chemical produced by bacteria that limits the growth of other bacteria?

You want to talk about antibiotics. By definition it is the substance produced by microorganisms to inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. Most of such chemicals are produced by fungi. Only few like bacitracin are produced by bacteria.

Is bacteria a posionous substance produced by plants animals or microbes?

No. A toxin is what you are thinking about. Bacteria are microbes and some produce toxins and some do not.

What is the substance produced by molds and bacteria which is of great importance to medicine?

Antibiotics, it was first dicovered in the from of penicillin as they come from the fungi penicillum.

A non-living substance produced by living plants and animals that may be used as a biological agent is called?


What is a dental sealant?

A thin plastic substance that is painted over teeth as an anti-cavity measure to seal out food particles and acids produced by bacteria.

What gas is produced when substance is produced?

That depends on what substance you are talking about.

What chemical compound produced by bacteria starts with 'pt'?

ptalonomy is a chemical compound produced by bacteria

How is synthetic androgen produced?

It can be produced by bacteria in a lab.

What is a poisonous substance naturally produced by bacteria plants fungi snakes insects and other living organisms?

A poisonous substances of natural origin produced by an animal is called venom.

What are antiebodies?

a blood protein produced in responce to counteracting and specific antigen.antibodies combine chemically with substance that the body recognizes as allien,such as bacteria,viruses and foreign substances in the blood.

What is on its own substance and dies when it devours itself?


Is bacteria a living substance?
