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Q: A survey has found that about 12 of every 500 airline flights are canceled due to bad weather. This number is equivalent to what?
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Related questions

How often are airline flights delayed?

Airline flights are often delayed. They get detailed most often because of bad weather conditions but also because of mechanical and maintenance reasons.

How many flights a day are cancelled in the US?

This is a hard question to answer because it is always different. Some airline can go a long time without canceling a flight. I know not long ago (a couple months) Delta Airlines went over 70 days without a canceled flight. Then there are other times when many flights are canceled due to weather and other reasons. So I estimate it to be around 100 on a normal day but that could be wrong.

Are ryanair flights bumpey?

This is down to weather conditions, therefore the airline doesn't make any difference at all.

How many alaska air flights typically depart from anchorage on a typical weekday?

The amount of flights depend on the weather conditions. Thousands of flights are canceled every year due to the weather. Snow delays most flights, while severe thunder storms delay a few others.

What do airlines do if your flight gets cancelled due to inclement weather?

In most cases an airline either refunds your ticket or allows you to take a later flight if your flight is canceled due to inclement weather. If you are not in your home city, the airline might allow for hotel accommodations if you are stuck over night.

Why do airline flights cancel in bad weather?

Bad weather is neither fun nor safe to fly in.

Does SW AIrlines offer an iPhone or iPod application?

SW Airlines does offer an iPhone and iPod application. It lets people know when the flights are occurring, or if they are delayed or canceled in case of weather conditions.

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Which type of weather will ground flights in Chicago?

When flying in and out of Chicago, many wonder what weather circumstances will ground their flights. Only extreme weather such as blizzard, or conditions where it is unsafe to fly, will cause such a delay.

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What might be cancelled because of cold weather?

School could be canceled!! Blab blab

What are some of the outside influences that impact airline scheduling?

weather phenomena.