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Feudalism is the word you are looking for.

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Q: A system of local government where a vassal would give allegiance to a lord in exchange for the use of some land is called?
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This is called the barter system.

When a system is exchanges energy with the environment outside the system it is called?

A closed system or an open system. An open can also exchange matter. An Isolated system can exchange neither.

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a federal government system

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What is it called when government divides the power between the federal government and the state governtments?

Federalism. The system that divides power between the national government and the state government is called the "Federal System."

What system divided power between the state and national government?

The system is called federalism, the creation of a central government to operate and coordinate shared government functions among the states.

What is difference between open system and closed system in thermodynamics?

A system which can exchange mass as well as matter with the surroundings is called anopen system.Example:- Heating of CaCo3 in an open bulb.A system which can exchange energy but not matter is called a closed system.Example:- Calcination of CaCo3 in a sealed bulb.

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What is the difference between federalism and unitary government?

Federalism is a system of government in which the national government and state governments share governmental power within the same political system, which have jurisdiction over individuals. Unitary system of government is one in which, principle power within the political system lies at the level of a national or central government, which individual citizens have direct allegiance to the national or central government and possesses ultimate power to make all political choices and determine public policy.