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Q: A toga would be worn by a man from which part of the world?
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Related questions

What clothing did Hercules wear?

Hercules would have worn a Greek style toga.

How many roses were in the toga of Juan Diego?

Juan Diego wore a tilma, not a toga. It is part of the traditional garb worn by native Americans in that part of Mexico. There is no record of how many flowers were placed in the tilma.

Praetexta in ancient Rome?

Praetexta usually refers to the toga praetexta This was a toga bordered in purple and worn by the magistrates as a sign of their position. It can also refer to a toga worn by freeborn boys who had not yet received the toga virilis.

What is a Toga virilise?

The toga virilis was the standard unadorned toga that a Roman man wore when he officially became an adult. There were several types of toga, each used for different purposes and each connoting a different status. Some of the other togas were: the toga candida, made dazzling white with chalk and was word by candidates for political office, toga pulla, the toga worn for mourning or times of danger, the toga picta, the purple toga embroidered with gold worn by triumphing generals and the toga praetexta, which was worn by young boys and several magistrates and dictators.

Robe worn in ancient Romans?


Which garment was worn by ancient Romans?

a toga

Toga was worn in what ancient city?


What colors are toga's?

If you are referring to the garment the Greeks wore, you are actually referring to a Chiton. They would have had a variety of colors, including frog green, apple green, amethyst, hyacinth, a range of purples and indigo blue. If you are referring to a Roman toga, then they would have had: 1. An off white color of the undyed wool that was worn by adult male citizens. 2. An off-white toga with a broad purple border worn by magistrates 3. A dark-colored wool worn during periods of mourning 4. An artificially whitened toga worn by candidates for political office 5. Purple toga embroidered with gold thread worn by a victorious general during a triumphal parade and later adopted by emperors for state occasions.

What is the name for the tunics worn by the Romans?

It is called the "toga".

What is a long robe worn by roman citizens out in the public?

it is a toga

The toga was commonly worn by citizens of what ancient city?


What is the name of loosely draped tunic worn by the Romans?

toga i believe.