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A camera and a microscope are two devices that meet your criteria.

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Q: A tool that uses lens to focus light and create useful images?
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What is a tool that uses lenses to focus light and create useful images?

It is called camera. Nowadays we have digital cameras with better resolution and clear image. The act of recording images of objects is called photography.

How do cameras focus images onto film?

The lens redirects light onto the film until the camera thinks it's in focus.

Who was the first person to create the light bulb and make it useful?

Thomas Edison

Why are concave mirrors useful for satellites?

Concave mirrors focus light on a specific point. That can increase the concentration of sun light on solar panels. Concave antennae are used to aim radio waves, as well as collect them and focus them on a receiver.

How is light emitted from elements useful to scientists?

Elements, such a yttrium, have helped to create the lights that are used in televisions

Why are the lenses of the eyes very important to human beings?

The lenses focus light on the retina of the eye. Without the lenses focusing the light, we would not be able to see any images clearly.

How are images formed by a convex lens?

A convex Lens forms a real, inverted image which can be displayed on a screen placed before the lens i.e, opposite the direction the light rays are coming from. A diminished image is formed at the focus when light rays from an object are focus on the screen.

What is the purpose of a low light camera?

A low light camera is designed to create optimum images with a camera in dim settings. In other words, the better quality the camera, the darker the setting that can still create high quality photos.

Which images are used in Ode to an Enchanted Light?

"Ode to an Enchanted Light" uses images of nature such as sprouting trees, splashing fountains, and the sun setting behind the hills. These images evoke a sense of beauty, tranquility, and wonder in the poem.

Which objects is used to focus light in a light microscope?

Adjustment knobs are used to focus light in a light microscope.

Which object is used to focus light in a light microscope?

Adjustment knobs are used to focus light in a light microscope.

Which objective is used to focus light in a light microscope?

Adjustment knobs are used to focus light in a light microscope.