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Elements, such a yttrium, have helped to create the lights that are used in televisions

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Q: How is light emitted from elements useful to scientists?
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Can scientists analize the elements of a star?

Scientists can assess which elements are present in the star, by looking at the light it gives off and breaking this light down into the different colours that make up the total colour. They look at the spectrum given off. The different elements present in the star cause different light wavelengths (or colours) to be emitted.

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When light waves are emitted by moving source scientists can measure the Doppler effects. It is a source of energy that produces light.

When light waves are emitted by moving sources scientists can measure?

the Doppler effect! d('_')b

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How do scientists identify a star's elements?

c) by its light

Are phosphorus and phosphors the same?

No. Phosphorus is a chemical element; phosphors are materials, not necessarily elements, that emit light slowly enough to be useful light sources in the dark, without the need for applied electric current or other external energy supplies. The light emitted may have been absorbed from the environment experienced by a phosphor before its light is emitted and stored in the phosphor in the form of a metastable excited state of an atom, or it may arise from slow chemical reaction among, or radioactive decay of, one or more constituents of the phosphor.

Why do different elements emits different colored lights when they are subjected to flame?

When the element is subjected to flame, the electrons are in a high energy state. When they come back down to a stable state energy is released in the form of light. The color emitted depends on the amount of energy released.The different colors of the light emitted are caused by the different quantities of electrons losing energy in different elements.

How do astronomers identify elements of the stars?

Elements are identified based on their absorption spectra. Every element absorbs a unique set of frequencies when light passes through it. Scientists can determine which elements are present based on which portions of the star's light are absorbed.

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Why light emitted by bulb is not monochromatic?

Light bulbs aim to emulate the light emitted by the Sun, which radiates as a black body at 6000 degrees C. The light is emitted over the entire visible spectrum. Some bulbs produce monochromatic light, sodium street lights for example.

What light gets emitted by tanning lamps?

Ultraviolet light

What device is useful for viewing a spectrum of light?

A prism can be used for splitting light into its constituent colors, but scientists tend to use a more precise instrument called a spectrograph.