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Partially. A tornado warning means that a tornado is likely to form or already has formed.

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Q: A tornado warning means that a tornado is likely to form?
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Is it true that a tornado warning means that a tornado might form?

No. A tornado warning means that a tornado is likely to form or has already been spotted.

Is a tornado watch better than a tornado warning?

Yes. A tornado watch simply means that general conditions are favorable for tornadoes to form. A tornado warning means that a tornado has been detected or may form at any moment.

What is a difference between a tornado drill and a tornado warning?

A tornado drill is like a fire drill but for tornadoes: practice for the possibility of a tornado. A tornado warning means that a tornado has been detected or is likely to form soon.

If the national weather service puts out a tornado warning when is a tornado likely to strike?

A tornado warning means that a tornado has already been spotted or is likely to form in the next few minutes. The tornado may be only minutes away from your location, so if a tornado warning is issued, take cover immediately.

Is there a tornado watch right now?

No. A tornado watch means the general weather conditions are favorable for tornadoes. If a tornado has been sighted then a tornado warning is issued.

Is a tornado watch or warning worse?

A tornado warning is worse. It means that a tornado has been detected or the threat of one is imminent. A tornado watch means the overall conditions are favorable to form in a general area.

Is A tornado warning a warning that tornadoes are expected?

Sort of. A tornado warning means that either a tornado has already formed or may form very soon.

A tornado warning means that a tornado has been spotted on ground or on radar?

Much of the time, yes. However if radar detects strong enough rotation in a storm, indicating a tornado is likely to form soon, that may also prompt a tornado warning.

Is tornado warning or watch worse?

A tornado warning is worse. It means that a tornado has been detected or the threat of one is imminent. A tornado watch means the overall conditions are favorable to form in a general area.

What is a tornado watch or warning?

A tornado watch means that conditions a favorable to tornadoes to form. A tornado warning means that a tornado is present or has been spotted either by radar, spotter, law enforcement, etc.

If there is a tornado watch is there more than likely going to be a tornado?

If a tornado is spotted or detected, or if a rotation is detected that is likely to lead to a tornado, that is when a warning is issued. A watch simply means that conditions are favorable for tornadoes, but does not mean that there is an imminent threat. So a tornado is more likely to strike when a warning is issued.

Which is worse advisory or watch or warning?

A warning is generally the worse advisory. Although it differs depending on which sort of watch or warning is issued, a watch means a particular event is possible. For example, if there is a tornado watch, it means that conditions are favorable for a tornado to form. A warning means the event is expected or probable. In a tornado warning, for example, it means that a tornado has been spotted or is forming.