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Q: A two-dimensional array of elements arranged in rows and columns is a?
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What is the characteristics of a rectangular array?

It is an array of m*n numbers or other objects that are arranged in m rows and n columns, where m and n are integers.

What does array in mat?

In Mathematics, an array is an arrangement of quantities or symbols in rows and columns; a matrix. In Computing, an array is an indexed set of related elements.

What is the formula for matrices?

A matrix is an array of elements in m rows and n columns.

What is an array for 2 times 3?

An array of 2 times 3 is a one-dimensional array of 2 elements each of which is a one-dimensional array of 3 elements. In other words, it is an array of arrays, also known as a two-dimensional array. We can imagine a two dimensional array as being a table with rows and columns. A 2 times 3 array has 2 rows and 3 columns. Each row is itself an array of 3 elements. However, we can also say that each column is an array of 2 elements.

Difference between 1D array and 2D arrays?

1d array contains single row and multiple columns and 2d array contains multiple row and multiple columns. 2d array is a collection of 1d array placed one below another,while 1d array is simple a collection of elements.

What is square array?

It is an array with the same number of rows and columns.

How do you find the average of rows and columns in a 2d array in java?

You add up all the array elements, then divide by the number of elements. You can use a nested for() loop in Java; inside the inner for() loop, you can both increase a counter (to count how many elements there are), and add to a "sum" variable.

What is squre array?

A square array is an array in which the number of rows is the same as the number of columns.

If you have an array that has 7 columns and 8 rows what is the total number of units in the array?

7 columns * 8 rows = 56 units

What is an array of 5 x 46?

An array is a contiguous memory allocation divided into one or more elements of equal size. A 5 x 46 array is an array of 5 elements where each element is another array of 46 elements. In other words it is an array of arrays. We can the array a two-dimensional array because it has 5 elements in one dimension (the rows) and 46 in the other dimension (the columns). If an individual column element is 4 bytes long, then each row element consumes 46 x 4 = 184 bytes of memory while the entire array consumes 5 x 184 = 920 bytes in total. We can also think of the entire array as being a one-dimensional array of 5 x 46 = 320 elements of 4 bytes each.

What is mean by matrix?

In mathematics, a matrix refers to a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions. The parts of the matrix are called elements, and are organized into rows and columns.