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A magnifier lens or magnifying glass is used to see minute objects, and a microscope is used to see microscopic objects.

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a microscope

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Q: A typical human can clearly see an item as small as 0.5 mm across Which form of technology has enabled humans to see objects even smaller than this?
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magnify glass
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A typical human can clearly see an item as small as 0.5 mm across. Which form of technology has enabled humans to see objects even smaller than this?

a microscope

Which form of technology has enabled humans to see objects even smaller than this?

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Distance glasses are made for people who are nearsighted ( people who have difficulty seeing DISTANT objects but can see close objects clearly ) reading glasses are for people who are farsighted ( people who have difficulty seeing CLOSE objects but can see distant objects clearly ) Distant glasses come in a MINUS prescription and usually when you wear them, they make everything look SMALLER Reading glasses come in a PLUS prescription and they make the world seem BIGGER

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Generally, smaller objects tend to travel further when fired from a catapult compared to larger objects. This is because smaller objects have less air resistance and mass, allowing them to be propelled with more speed and efficiency.

Why do objects that are farther look smaller?

Objects that are farther away appear smaller due to the phenomenon of perspective. As objects move away from the observer, the angle at which they are viewed decreases, making them appear smaller relative to closer objects. This is why distant objects seem to converge towards a vanishing point in the distance.

What are the tiny planets?

Objects that are smaller than planets are called "dwarf planets"; even smaller objects are called "asteroids".

Is emmetropia farsightedness?

Emmetropia is when light is focused exactly on the retina and vision is perfect. Farsightedness is called hyperopia. This condition occurs when the eyeball is smaller than normal and light rays from near objects do not focus properly on the retina at the back of the eye. A person with hyperopia can see distant objects more clearly than closer objects.

Why are small objects easier to measure than larger objects?

because they are smaller than larger objects

Are bigger objects always going to have more mass than smaller objects?
