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Q: A typical neuron has more than one?
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A typical neuron has more than one of what?


Why is there no such thing as a typical neuron?

A typical neuron does not exist because each one functions differently. Even neurons in the same person behave differently compared to each other.

Can a neuron have more than two axons?

No. They can have 1,000 dentrites but only one axon.

What functional advantage does a neuron with several dendrites have over a neuron with only one dendrite?

Neurons with one dendrite = only capable of 1 signal. Neurons with more than one dendrite = more signals and more accesible to different parts of the body.

Is there more than one neuron to detect a stimulus?

Yes, and typically one set of neurons for each set of stimuli.

Are there more than one afferent neuron that will send a message to the brain?

No afferent neuron simply refers to any neuron bringing information to the brain. There are tons of afferent neurons bringing signals from all different parts and organs of the body. One neuron is not able to transfer all of the action potentials from the entire body through it, and thus many are needed.

Why are nerve fibers sometims more than a meter in length?

No neuron ever has more than one axon; however in invertebrates such as insects or leeches the axon sometimesconsists of several regions that function more or less

Does a neuron have a axon?

Most neurons contain one axon. There have never been more than one found. However, some neurons contain no axon at all.

What is the sequence of a typical reflex arc?

1. The receptor reacts to a stimulus. 2. The sensory neuron conducts the afferent impulses to the CNS. 3. The integration center consists of one or more synapses in the CNS. 4. The motor neuron conducts the efferent impulses from the integration center to an effector. 5. The effector, muscle fibers or glands, respond to the efferent impulses by contraction or secretion a product, respectively.

What is a presynaptic neuron?

a neuron from the axon terminal of which an electrical impulse is transmitted across a synaptic cleft to the cell body or one or more dendrites of a postsynaptic neuron by the release of a chemical neurotransmitter.

What is the 3 types of neuron?

one type of neuron is the motor neuron

How many axons does each neuron have?

Most neurons contain one axon. There have never been more than one found. However, some neurons contain no axon at all.