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Q: A universal language of humanity that can be expressed with images is known as?
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Because art is its own language, it communicates through images or music

What is the universal language of mind?

This is why I Love YodaVery honored I am to answer this question, privleged to receive the answer you are.The Universal Language of Mind is the stuff dreams are made of. The subconscious mind is the storehouse of memory for everything that has existed in homo sapien history. Since the dawn of consciousness we have imprinted these images that represent what we "know" as a being and share. We are all telepathically sharing our exepriences ergo, Waking Life visa vie these images are the Universal language of Mind. They are what every holy work has been written in. such as Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, The Bible and the Bahavagad Gita. Read these works not only littlerally but also in the Language of Mind and you receive a wealth of information not available to the common man. The subconscious mind sends, during the dreaming state, information to the conscious mind through this Language. Jesus' parables arrive in this language. So many levels of consciousness are available to us and this language reveals them to us in the imprint of the images that ideas conjure and vice versa. Ideas conjure images and the explanation for their meaning is found in the Universal Laguage of mind. Universal cause we all share the subconscious mind. Language because it is used to communicate ideas. Of mind because it has no form. Dreams, truly interpreted can only come in this language and are only to be taken literal when precognitive or of the visistation variety. Although only one trained in these understandings can give accurate info upon to know which is which. This language when understood opens the door to being a master of consciousness and therefor the imagers life. The thinker's life becomes enlightened. Thinker is the derivation of the word man. "As you think so shall you be." I received this knowlegde and opened the doors of my own mind through the School of Metaphysics. I suggest for the greatest clarity you sit down with someone well versed in the understandings and get a dream interpreted and converse with that individual upon whatever graces your thoughts at that time. Then you will truly "know" the answer to the questions you seek. or await you with many more answers.

What is universal search engine?

Universal Search Engine: These are search engines which can search anything on the web whether it is news, maps, videos, images, websites, or books (etc.). Google, Yahoo & Bing are the three prime universal (web) search engines.

What is a thought?

==new answer== It is a picture held in mind either consciously or unconsciously. There may be many thoughts related to this picture. Through concentration and meditation exercises, one can learn to see these thought forms. It is from these thought forms that the subconscious mind processes which become our physical experiences. The mind communicates in pictures. When the words being expressed match the picture being transmitted, we have good communication. To learn the picture language requires the use of the universal language of mind, which is the picture language, and is the oldest language in existence.

Why is the movie sanctum rated R?

Language, some violence, and disturbing images.

Why is Memory 2007 rated r?

It is rated R for language and frightening images.

Is cinema a kind of language?

Yes, cinema can be viewed as a kind of language because it communicates stories and ideas by its use of moving images.

What is shutter island rated?

It is rated PG-13 for language, violence, and disturbing images.

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The Exorcist is Rated R for strong language and disturbing images.

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Rated R for some violence, disturbing images and language