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Q: A wandering clot that causes a stroke is called a?
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What artery is clogged if you have a stroke?

A stroke is when a clot causes a thrombus (blockage of flow of blood) in the veins of the brain. The brain has multiple arteries that supply it with oxygen.

What is a blood clot that is traveling?

An embolus is a wandering blood clot.

What causes stroke?

It is usually caused by a blood clot or ruptured vessel that impedes blow flow to the brain, depriving it of oxygen.

May cause a stroke if lodges in the brain?


Could an atrial septum aneurysm cause a small stroke?

Yes, if the aneurysm produced a clot that traveled to the brain.

How do you speed up a formation of a clot?

Immobilization of the area that is bleeding causes the clot to clot faster.

What causes embolic stroke?

They take place when the heart's rhythm is changed for a number of different reasons, and blood clot formation occurs. This blood clot can move through the circulatory system until it blocks a blood vessel and stops the blood supply

Does paranoia lead to a stroke?

Paranoia does not lead to a stroke. A stroke is defined as a blockage of the blood supply to the brain. Usually due to a blood clot.

Disease that causes blood to clot slowly or does not clot at all?


What is the name given at the bottom of the stroke?

They are classically called cerebral vascular accidents. There are many types of reasons for a stroke. They are an trauma to the brain, a thrombus or clot, rupturing of a blood vessel, or severe to a part of the brain.

How do you get a blood clot in your brain?

A blood clot in the brain can cause a TIA, or transient ischemic attack, which causes a non-permanent loss of blood supply and oxygen to an area of the brain. Blood clots in the brain also cause stroke. If not corrected quickly, permanent brain damage will result. Clot "busters" are used to break up the clot and restore blood flow. If you suspect a stroke or TIA it is best to get to an ER.

What is the outcome of a stroke?

The outcome of a stroke depends on the severity of the stroke. Considering the fact that a stroke is a blood clot in your brain, there are a lot of possible outcomes, because the brain controls the body.